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Cordelia's POV
Once again I woke up at my teacher's house. I had to try and find a job today. I had to pay for these dance classes somehow. I knock on his door, he opens the door. I blush. Holy frick. His hair is the 'I just woke up, but I'm still hot' kind of messy and... He doesn't have a shirt on. My eyes unintentionally trail down his body. He has a six pack, holy crap. "Yes Cordelia?" He asks, his voice in that deep and vet attractive morning voice tone. I shake my head and look back at his face. "I-I have to-to go find a j-job so I can pay for the-the classes so I uh... I have to go I'll uh... See you... Our uh.... Next lesson... Yeah.." I manage to stammer out. He smirks at me. Oh frick. "Alright I'll see you then, baby." He says as I start walking away. I leave quickly, blushing heavily.

Your POV
"He's... Stable, we got the bullet out. We're not one-hundred percent that he'll make it, but we'll do everything we can to make sure your boyfriend makes it okay?" He says and starts walking away. Boyfriend? "Uh but he's not... Never mind." I started, but he was too far away to hear me. A nurse comes up to me, "You can see him now if you want to." She tells me. I nod and follow her. As soon as we get to the room she leaves and I walk in. I walk to the bed. "Jimin... I'm so sorry. I-if I was more careful this wouldn't have happened." I whisper as tears start streaming down my face. My hand suddenly feels warm. I look up and see he's looking at me. A small smile on his face. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I repeat. He lifts his hand and finds my cheek, he wipes away some of the tears. Jimin stop... If you don't... I may fall for you. "It's... Not... Your... Fault..." He chokes out. How is he doing that? "How at you talking right now? I thought... I thought you were supposed to be mute." I said. His hand drops from my face and he gives me a small smile. "It's... A bit more... complicated than that... We can still talk... It just.... Hurts.... A little if we try... To talk." He explains. My eyes widen and my hands shoot up to cover his mouth. "Don't talk then!" I whisper shout. I feel/hear him chuckle under my hands. He removes my hands from his face. "It's fine (Yn), it's worth the pain if I get to talk to you. "He says with a smile. I turn away from him. "Don't say things like that. You know that is dangerous. For both of us." I respond. "True..." He whispers. You can't do this Jimin... You're making it harder not to fall for you.

Jimin's POV
This is bad Jimin, very, very bad. You can't do this! You can't fall for her. You can't and you know it. This won't be easy from here on out. For some reason she's been the target for several Fallen Angel attacks. Fallen Angels can see something Guardian Angels can't. I wish I knew what it was. "Your right... That is dangerous.... But...." I whisper. No... No no no! "But...?" She asks, I can tell by her hesitance to ask that she's afraid of the answer. "Somethings can't be helped." I finished. "Such as...?" She asks, still hesitating. "Such as.... How much the Angel interferes, if their person saw them.... Or even..." I trail. I can tell she turned back to look at me. "Or even?" She questions. "Even.... Who you fall in love with." I answer. I may be screwed.

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