chapter 14

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~The one thing that helps me feel/ the one thing that has never gave up on me the (other than music) was taken away from me yesterday..........but it'll be ok I guess. I can find other things to substitute for it.......I think....

~music is really and trully the only thing that helps me make it through the day if it wassent for music......let's just say I'd be a lot worse than I am. Especially now when they took my blades away. ( well technically they didn't but in a way they did.) But no worries I'll be ok I guess. (if your wondering how just message me and I'll tell you)

Stay strong everyone I know it's hard but try your hardest. I'm here if anyone needs anyone to talk to. Just message me if you need to.... I'll try my hardest to help. If I don't message you back right away its because I don't have wifi. Thank you all for all the comments, votes, follows, and everything. I'm here always and forever or at least when I have wifi. (and if I get mins it'll b a lot more.) 

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