Subject 17

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Chapter 1

Over Analyzation








                Where am I? I am in a room. Who am I? I do not know. What am I? I am human.




                “You are beautiful.” A voice says.

                My body moved on instinct sitting up on the bed I am lying on. I swivel my body so that my feet lay gently on the ground of the room. Hmm, interesting, I am not sure if I see this woman as threat yet. Woman, is opposite of man, I am a man. She walks into my room which is beginning to feel more of a prison. Prison, which means I am held here against my will. Yes?

                Wait, she said I am beautiful. Beautiful, does she mean I have qualities that give her great pleasure and satisfaction to see? Strange. She finds me attractive.

                “Yyyyyyy,” My voice. My voice is slightly deep or at least the sound I am trying to make. Think, I must try and speak. I am not sure how to though. Words and thoughts are so much harder to get across when you are not thinking it to yourself. “Yyyyoooou fffffiiinnnnnnnnnnnnduh muh muh meeee aaaahhhtttttrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaactivuh?”

                The woman looked at mean with awe. I am not sure if the face she is contorting a face of amazement or a face of fear. I will find out soon. The inflection of her voice should give me a clue.

                “It’s amazing that you can already speak subject 17. It takes the others hours to. Your ability must already be working. Or should I say abilities.” I am not sure what the next sound that came from her mouth was but I think I will classify it under a ‘squeal.’ “You are the first out of 17 kids to still be alive and can handle everything.”

                Subject 17? My name? I am Subject 17. Ability, if I comprehend correctly means I have a power to do something. What though? However, this woman has yet to answer the question I have asked her. She must not have understood me.

                “Yooooou fiiinduh meee aaaaahtrrrractivuh?”  It came out more clearly this time. I think.

                “Uh,” She begins to answers, “No, I don’t. I must say you are a handsome young man but not by type or age. No, no, I meant you are beautiful. Not you appearances. It’s ok though, everyone does this when they first awake up. You analyze everything a little too much.”

                I analyze too much? I separate material and abstract entities into constituent parts or ele- She right. She is also wearing bright white clothing and black pants and a shirt. Seeing how if I got those colors correct in being that white is the color that stimulates the three main types of colors and black is the color that is present when the three main colors are devoid from a surface.

                The pain that entered my body after that last thought was immense. My whole body began to scream in pain. The muscles in different areas of my body began to contract involuntarily as my heart began to pump more blood than necessary. My heart? The muscle- I began to groan in pain. The groaning became louder as the room began to spin and I felt very sick. That’s when I began to scream. My veins, my arteries, my blood, I think it’s all on fire.

                And then the pain was gone. Just as quickly as it began it ended. The woman and two other persons, no people, were then in my room. She spoke, but I couldn’t understand her just yet. There was a ringing in my ear. As it began to fade I could understand what she was saying.

                “Can you hear me?” Was the first thing she asked, I nodded my head to indicate I had successfully heard her, “What you just experienced is pain,” We exchanged looks that gave her the impression that I already know. “This is normal for you, but it is not permanent.  Come, I think you are already advanced enough that social interactions should help with the over-analyzing. I’m also not supposed to give this to you yet but here is your class schedule too.”

                Argh, class schedule, only needed for school, am I at a school? She walked to the door and followed close behind.

Subject 17Where stories live. Discover now