Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


                I am beginning to take in the environment around me. As me and this woman walk through the hall of this mysterious building I am not sure what is going to happen. I don’t even know her name.

                This place feels very confined. The hallway feels narrow. The bright white walls give the illusion that they are closing in on me and yet never touch me.  There are doors that I deduce are lead to rooms similar to mine 7 feet across from side to side. At the end of the hallway is a double door that might lead to a larger room.

                “This is where you will eat. This is the cafeteria.”

                She walks up to the double doors and pushes on the door. The door opens and beyond it are hundreds of other kids. Talking. Having conversations. Smiling. One is even laughing.  All of them wearing the same clothes: white shirt and white pants just like me.

                The tables they are sitting at have seats on each side and the tables themselves are next to each side by side leaving no room to walk through them. The tables are brown with no specific black marking pattern on it. Hmm.

                There was a line of kids at the far end of the room. On the other side of this line were other women standing there stacking some type of material in which the other kids are consuming into their oral cavity. Hmm.

                “Who arrre they?” I ask with great curiosity.

                “They are your classmates. Some will be your friends. Go. Socialize.”

                Socialize: to make a life in companionship with others

                How does one do that? Am I ready to do that? I was just born, no, I must correct myself, I just awoke, I think, from a long deep sleep. I am not a day old and already I am coming into contact with others. I am not afraid just uncertain how to approach the situation.

                “Go. I have work to do.”

                “I don’t know your name.” I said before closed the door.

                “I am The Mother.”

                Mother:  a woman who has raised a child; a female parent.

                What? She is the woman who created me? I must ask her questions I must-

                Wait, there is a feeling I am having. I am not certain of what it is but it is impeding my ability to think concretely. I must find what the problem is inside me and put an end to it. Whatever it is it is causing my abdominal region to make a sort of growling sound.  What is in my abdominal region? Think. Umm, pancreas, yes but I don’t think that is the case however I am becoming aware that the material the others are consuming is creating a reaction inside myself that is producing saliva inside my own oral cavity. NO! I understand now. I know what is wrong. I am hungry.

Hunger: physical sensation for desiring food.

                Food? Is that what is entering their oral cavity (I will begin to call the oral cavity the mouth, because they mean the same and yet two different words) is not coming out of it.  It must be giving them the nutrients that the body needs to survive.

                Survive:                To remain alive or in existence; to live on

                I must survive.

                I need the nutrients. There is a man, brown hair, dark skin, slight build, and seeing the length of his body I would say 5 feet 8 inches. I will ask him if he will allow me to borrow his food for a short while.

                I begin to take a step toward his table where he is talking to another person. Another man. All the while I am walking to his table I replay several situations that could arise depending on what I say. How do I approach this correctly so that I can obtain some… food.

                Few more steps and I will be close enough to sit down next to him and begin a conversation. I begin to lift my leg up to take my seat when a woman appeared out of nowhere right where I was going to sit. How? How did she do that? Where did she come from? One moment no one was there and the next there.

                “Sorry,” She says “This is my seat reserved for me. You looked shocked? What? You never seen a Wormhole Manipulator before?”

                “A what?”

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