Home Sweet Home

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The next few weeks flew by and Percy found himself thinking less about monsters and Greek myths, and more about his end of semester exams. Brunner's Latin test had been a breeze, followed by Mr. Nicoll's English exam. Pre-Algebra with Mrs. Kerr had been challenging, but he felt he'd managed to scrape by with at least a 'B'-average. Percy was confident he'd end the school year on a good note and allowed himself to relax and push aside his thoughts about the events at the museum and outside Mr. Brunner's office.

The final week of the semester was upon Percy before he knew it, and he and Grover had already begun packing.

"Anything planned for your Summer, Perce?" Grover asked, folding a pile of shirts to be packed away in his suitcase.

"I'm not sure," Percy replied, tossing folded clothes in a duffle bag. "Mom talked about a trip to Montauk when I last talked to her, but that's if Gabe isn't a total dick and lets her go."

"Well, I hope it all works out, Perce," Grover said with a smile.

Percy smiled and tossed the last of his clothes in the duffle. "Thanks, G-man. Need a hand packing?"

"Nah, I'm alright," Grover said, waving dismissively. "Just got some jeans and a few books left. Nothing I can't handle."

"Alright, I'm going to find Mr. Brunner really quick. I want to say bye before we leave tomorrow," Percy said, heading towards the door.

"Okay, see you later, Perce."

Percy left the dorm and made his way down the stairs to the faculty offices and approached Mr. Brunner's door. After a few light raps on the door, Brunner's voice rang out, "come in!"

"Mr. Brunner?" Percy said when he opened the door.

"Ah, Mr. Jackson!" Brunner greeted with a smile. The wheelchair-bound Latin teacher was rolling around the room with a box in his lap, packing away various decorations and personal items. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"Just thought I'd stop by and say bye before we all leave tomorrow," Percy explained, taking a seat at one of the desks. "I also wanted to tell you I really enjoyed your class, Mr. Brunner. It really sucks I can't take it again as an elective next year."

Brunner chuckled and smiled sadly. "As am I, Mr. Jackson. I very much valued having you in my class this year." Brunner them made a show of looking around to make sure no one else was listening in and leaned in towards Percy. "Just between you and I, you were my favorite student. Your knowledge and understanding of Greek Mythology was very impressive."

"Thanks, Mr. Brunner," Percy said with a smile, blushing slightly at the praise. Brunner smiled and went back to gathering the knick-knacks from his desk. A thought crossed Percy's mind at that moment, one he'd been pushing aside in favor of studying. "Mr. Brunner?"

"Yes, Mr. Jackson?" Brunner asked distractedly, still sorting through various items.

"Are... are the myths... real?"

Brunner paused and glanced up at Percy with a curious expression. "What do you mean, Mr. Jackson?"

Percy hesitated for a brief moment before he continued. "The other week, during the field trip, I ran into someone... something. At least... I think I did. I'm still not sure if I imagined it or if it really happened."

Brunner looked concerned now and... slightly worried, if not nervous. "Oh? And what was it you thought you saw?"

"Well, sir... I thought I saw a Fury," Percy stated bluntly, looking Brunner dead in the eye.

The Cosmic King: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now