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(A/N): The picture above is what Grays clothes look like and what age he is at this point in time. You are also around this age at this time and you are wearing a sweater and legging.

7 years ago.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'Isa... Why did you leave me...' I thought as I cried into my hands. The sound of my sobs echoed of the walls of the empty ice cave.

"Hey, is anyone in there?" A young boys voice call from outside the cave. I let out a yip that confirmed my presents. Soon after, a boy with very dark blue hair, steely gray eyes, and a white trench coat walked into the cave. I wiped away my tears and looked at the boy, who looked about my age.

"Hey are you ok? Why were you crying?" the boy asked, his voice soft and comforting. I didn't trust him, so I stayed quite. After a minute or so he spoke once again.

"What's your name?" He still earned no response from me. He let out a sigh of defeat, excepting the fact I wasn't going to talk.

   "Not much of a talker huh?" He sighed as he sat down next to me. I shake my head in response. The boy looks over at me with amusement.

   "Hey your responding! That's great. My names Gray. I need to call you something so... How about Icy?" Gray said with a smile. I blush at the nickname. It was... Cute. Gray continued to talk until the sky was darkening.

   "I should go... I'll come back tomorrow though! Cya!" Gray shouts as he atems to exit the cave. But he ends up slipping and falling on his face. I let out a soft laugh that grows to the point where I was crying from laughing so hard. Gray had left from pure embarrassment. I sigh, wiping a tear from my eye.

   "Well... I'll see you tomorrow... Gray."

An Icy Heart (Gray Fullbuster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now