Chapter 20

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Draco's Pov:

By the time I reach the room of requirements I’m out of breath from the frantic run. A wide red door opens in front of me. Behind the door is a shield, it looks a lot like a patronus, although it's flat. Stepping through the shield is like moving through a waterfall. Inside the rooms: are some fires, a few sofas, beds, table with chairs and lots of blankets and pillows. There is a portrait on the far wall which I do not recognise. A young girl stands inside calling me over. I choose to ignore her.

First years bundle in. All of them are sobbing loudly. I welcome them like Harry would of. Next a few older students who can't produce patronus like me, they all sit in a corner, too embarrassed to mingle with the first years. Second and third year students walk in calmly. They are surrounded by patronus; a Unicorn, a badger and a corgi, which means Pansy is here. When she enters the room I embrace her. Thank you Harry.

"Susan, look." I have only just noticed the couple. Neville is pointing to the portrait. "It's Ariana, which means we can get food from the hogshead."

"How do you know that?" Pansy asks nicely.

"During the war." Susan spits. "This was our hiding place." Neville gives Susan a pointed look. "Sorry." She mutters. Pansy smiles graciously and forgives her.

"Who is Ariana?" I ask to change the subject.

"Dumbledore's dead sister." Neville continues to tell me how Ariana died. Our discussion quickly turns to what to do with the younger students. The couple decides to go get some chocolate and leaves Pansy and I in charge.

It takes a while for everyone to settle down. A few of the younger students have fallen asleep, cuddling under the blankets, their snores filling the firelight room. The room is quiet. People don't dare to talk above a whisper. The sofa that pansy and I are sitting on is the Gryffindor colours. Her head rests on my shoulder. Black hair tickles my face but sadly it's too smooth to be Harry's. If you're quiet enough you can hear the chaos from the great hall. Harry is in there, with his hair plastered to his forehead, his stag fighting the darkness. I should be with him.

The couple return with crates of honeydukes' chocolate. Carefully they hand the out. Susan's mousse brown hair is slightly ruffled, melting snow clings to it, her face is slightly flushed presumably from the cold. Neville stands much taller after the war. Probably because he killed Voldemort's last horcrux. Finally the pair reaches us. I refuse the chocolate. I'm not hungry, all I can think of is Harry, and I should be with him. What if he doesn’t survive?

After 2 hours the wait becomes unbearable. Harry could be lying soullessly on the cold, lifeless floor. In their escape other students could be trampling him. The chosen one forgotten and left to die. I need to be with him. I head towards the door. "Draco?" Pansy calls. "Draco where are you going?"

"To find Harry."

"You can't!" Neville's fat round face blocks the door.

"Can!" I shout back and shove him out the way. The Gryffindor grabs my arm. My fist meets his face. Neville retaliates with a kick in the shins. The two of us start clawing like animals. His blood on my hand. My blood on his hands. Swiftly, I dodge Neville's punches but his kicks land every time; in my chest, on my legs, even in my groin but I don't feel the pain once. I need to get to Harry. "Petrificus Totalus." Both I and Neville fall frozen to the ground. One of the girls casted the spell. Desperately I scream for Harry but no sound escapes my mouth.

They leave me frozen until someone comes to tell us that we can leave. Neville was allowed to walk around so Susan could heal his wounds. Dried blood is still underneath his nose from where my fist collided with it. Pansy performs the counter curse to undo the body binding curse. The slytherin girl takes my hand. "Let's go find Harry." She smiles.

Harry was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in the great hall, or near the kitchens, not to be seen in the bathrooms or his class room. The last place to look is the Gryffindor common room. I wait outside alone, Pansy was yawning, so I sent her back to the slytherin common room. Seamus walks past with his shoulders slumping, his eyes puffy and a bar of chocolate in his hand.

"Why are you here?" He asks. I ignore his harsh tones. They are only aimed at me because of the dark mark on my arm.

"I'm looking for Harry."

"Harry is gone."

"What?!" Seamus looks at me with pity.

"Didn't you know?" He speaks gently now. "McGonagall has been given the kiss. All the teachers decided that Harry had to go now and disband the dementors. He left with Hermione and Ron. Did he say goodbye?"

"No." That's when I sob. Seamus told me to wait. Although I could barely hear anything from my deafening sobs. The Gryffindor returns with a bundle in his hand.

"This is some of the stuff he left behind. I hope it's of use." His kindness shocks me, rendering me speechless.

"T-t-thanks." I stutter.

Back in my room I open the bundle alone. Inside is a shard of a mirror, a blue t-shirt and Gryffindor scarf. The stupid boy, he left his scarf, the image of him freezing in the cold enters my Mind. A sob shakes my body. They don't end. Pressing my face into Harry's scarf to smell his scent. I fall into a fitful sleep, awakening every hour or so from the image of Harry's lifeless body, what if the boy never comes back?

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