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Y/N 's POV

Today was very hard day on set , and I was soo tired that I could fall asleep any second. I walked in my room and started talking of my clothes and walkd intk shower. I wanted to take a bath before massage. Just when I dried my hare,there was knock on the door.

"Come in!"
I said .

That was the guy that should be the one to massage me.

"Oh finally!"
I said as I layed on the bed and massage started.

~~~Few hours after massage~~~

I was sound asleep untill someone opened the door of my room and walked in. Great,I forgot to lock the door. Than I felt tap on my shoulder.

I said tiredly , barely openi g my eyes and looking the person that woke me up.

And look, it was Mathew. What the hell does he want now,it's 2 AM!

"Can I stay i your room tonight cause Shemar is drunk and crazy,and you're the only one that has bed for two and is alone in room?"
He said than looked at me.

I said and turned back to sleep.

Few seconds later I feel another tap on my shoulder.

"What now,Matthew?"
I said kinda anoyed.

"I'm sorry to bother, but can you please..."
He said and pointed his finger at my body.

Gosh I was completly naked. Thank God I was at least covered with blankit.

I said realizing what was happening.

I turned my back to him,got of the bed and put on some short sleeping dress,just to have something on.

"Is it okay now?"
I said laying back.

He said than took his book and started reading and turned back to sleep.

~~~an hour later~~~

I woke up for no reason,just feelt like I had to. I looked at the clock. 3:11 AM. But lamp on the other side was still on. I turned to see Matthew still reading.

"And what is so interesting that makes you stay up this long?"
I asked him.

He looked at me than said
"Oh,I didn't know you were still up."

I smiled than moved close to him

"So erotic 's what we're reading..."
I said playfully and smiled when I saw he was reading 50 shades of Gray.

Than I close his book and put it on a side.
I sit on his lap and and lean on his knees since his legs were lifted up litely.

"I knew exactly this was gonna happen."
He said and smiled.

"So... What are you gonna do about it?"
I said leaning in.

"Maybe let it happen? "
He said and kissed me.

A/N : Sorry this one is short but there is part two so you can check out if you want

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