The Silent Fate

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Two hours later, my residential place came to view. A large crowd had gathered around my door. I ran my heart skipping beat by beat. My last hope was that Lynn was ok. My family followed quickly, cold was no more we were sweating to the extreme. I shouted "Get out of my way!" as I forcefully pushed the crowd aside making my way to the frontline. Lynn came into view. Oh my God! She laid in cold blood, covered with white sheet that was sucking the her blood. For a minute I was speechless, stammered and didn't know who to speak to or what to say. I uncovered her, kneeling down, crying with alot of pain. I couldn't believe Lynn was murdered, half naked with the foetus buldging out. My mum fainted, dad could not also hold back the tears on that fateful night. You can imagine how my sisters were crying in pain as if it were their own pregnancy. Rick was there, he tried to comfort me with the help of Sam. I was uncontrollable. The crowd had now grown bigger, everyone trying to have a look of the dead lady. Women were wailing, cursing whoever did such an inhuman thing. Everyone tried to comfort us but it was of no help. A few hours ago we were smiling now we are deep pain. My colleagues at work came hooting their motorbikes. For once, I thought Lynn would wake up, but never would she open her eyes again. Morning was approaching but still she was forever asleep. One thing that was in my mind, who did it and why?

The police came to collect the body. I now had a clear view of the cuts and bruises my wife had. She must have gone through alot of torture before her demise. Still it was to my disbelief as to why such would happen. The neighbours started narrating the story of what had happened. Each with their own version of tales. My immediate neighbour told the police that two energetic men with a certain lady knocked on my door, and when they got inside she heard silent wailing as if of a person in pain. When she gave the girls description, guess who it was; Joy! My mind went blank. "Joy?" Dad asked finally. "Yes I am double sure, the description matches her." I replied. Ten minutes passed on, still the police were searching my house while Lynn laid covered at the back of the green Land Rover. The media had gathered around covering the sad moments that engulfed the area. When the police came out,they held a white paper written "THE SILENT FATE" and signed with Lynn's blood. I presumed that was the message left by the killers. None understood what it meant except my family, Rick included. At that moment, I wished I held Joy with my bare hands. My eyes were turning red, my hands shaking ready to kill someone. I could barely hear anyone talking  to me. The world meant nothing to me without Lynn. As her fianće, I had to escort the body to the mortuary and later summoned by the Central Intelligence Department to narrate my ordeal. Well, it didn't go well as I premused. Just after two hours inside a silent police deparment, we set off to Joy's home. I was ready to go to jail after avenging Lynn's death.

When we got there, my family was already in the compound. Rick had accompanied them. This guy was a true friend, he stood by me come rain come sunshine. But other shocking news had emerged. The killers had been paid off by Joy and went away, while she came home locked herself in the room and balanced her weight with the rope. She must have been lucky to escape my wrath, I wish she was alive. Had she not hanged herself! I didn't cry, my pain was no more. Lynn was in my heart forever, seeing Joy hanging up the rope made no difference. She had left a letter that explained why she took such a sinful act. It was a long letter with the conclusion, "its over to you mum". Her mum was the one who forced her to travel overseas only to meet Vik and had made up her mind to stick by me. She had requested her parents to go with me but they declined, she begged them to take me to college because she loved beyond measures, but it took long before they did and by that time Lynn was already in my heart. Joy complained of the attitude her parents had towards the poor especially her boyfriend, Vik. Seeing that she would lose Vik for good, she came back asked my mum for directions and by bad luck I was not there to harmonize the situation as she decided to take away the life of a lady who snatched away her man. It was a sad moment for all of us, now that I felt overtaken by how things unfolded. After they took away the body, her parents were arrested together with me. Before I left for the second time to the police custody, I thanked Rick for his unfailing love and surrendered my house equipement to him with the motorbike keys. I wrote a statement for the second time and after being detained for two days, the Del Monte hotel manager came to my rescue with cctv footage of what happened the last time I met Joy's parents. It was a relief because evidence based showed that I was only an innocent kid trying to build my own empire that had now been demolished. 

By the time I got out of the cell, the media had tampered with my name as a playboy who led to the demise of two innocent ladies. Of course I was, but they never explained the core reason behind all this. I was ordered not to attend any of the burial and never to contact any of the family members. Since that day, ladies have been afraid of me. I have never found love again. Though I secured a well paying job at Del Monte hotel but still guilt burns inside me to date. Rest In Peace Lynn. Goodbye Joy.

                                    *THE END*

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