Chapter 1

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"We're lost, aren't we?" Aidan asked the question although she was certain of the answer.

"We are not lost," Goliath huffed.

Aidan was a Royal elf. She looked a little different than most elves. She didn't have a noticeable widows peak, and was around 5'5 which was considered below average in height. She did have red hair and green eyes with sharper features and a heart shaped face, which was common for elves. She had the slightly yellow tint to her skin as well that signified that she was a Royal elf.

She wore fur armor made from deer and bear skins with the chest piece made of mostly leather. Her arms were exposed except from her elbow down, being covered by bracers. She had leather bracers on her knees, and leather boots. She kept her hunting bow on her back along with her arrows and kept her sword on her hip. Her swords blade was curved, and the hilt and handle made the shape of a dragon decorated with a red gemstone.

Goliath was an orc. He had black hair that was kept in a short mohawk on his head. He had dark green skin, and his bottom canines stuck out of his mouth which was common for orcs. He had squarish face, and was very bulky in build. He was around 6'5 ft tall. He wore simple steel armor with his bulky arms exposed having leather bracers covering his wrists. He had leather trousers underneath the steel plates that covered his thighs. He also had steel plated boots. 

"Do you even remember where we're going?" Aidan put her hands on her hips, and stopped walking.

Goliath stopped and turned around to face her, "Ruins. Get sword. Leave. Get paid."

"It's not that simple," she huffed, as she placed her hand on her forehead and began to rub.

"It couldn't be more simple," Goliath turned around.

"Well, first we actually have to get there." She said snidely, "Then we have to get in some how. After that, we have to make our way through the ruins, and preferably not get killed. Then we have to get the sword. Afterwards, get back out, and head to town. Speak to the employer, then get paid for returning it." 

"You think too much," he just continued to walk.

"Yeah, and you don't think enough," Aidan walked after him in a brisk walk to catch up with him.

Five minutes into walking, there was a slight shuffle to the side of the dirt road. Aidan stopped to look into the dense brush to the right of her. She couldn't see anything. She turned to see Goliath was continuing to walk. She looked once more to the under brush before catching up to Goliath. 

Not a minute later, there was more rustling. She only slowed her pace, and looked to the side. There wasn't anything that she could see. She thought it could be some sort of small woodland creature. She quickened her pace to be near Goliath. 

Again, the same shuffle happened, but even closer and louder than before. She grabbed Goliath's shoulder, and spun him around so that he faced her. Before he could question her; she put her fingers to her lips, and pointed to the bushes beside them. He only looked at the bushes for a split second, before looking back at her with a confused look. 

"I think there's someone or something following us," she said in a low tone.

"Now you're just paranoid. Seriously, Aidan." Goliath, turned back around to continue to walk, but stopped suddenly when something darted across his path to get to the other side of the road.

"See? I told you!" Aidan gripped the handle of her sword, preparing to pull it from it's sheath. 

Goliath rolled his eyes before approaching the bush that whatever it was had run into. Aidan was now standing next to him. Goliath grabbed a handful of branches from the bush, and shoved them aside. They were surprised, and irritated by what they saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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