Chapter 1

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April 4th 2031

It was a sad day for keagan chitose.
His father had been killed in a "mugging" incident And now he was attending his funeral.
To make matter's worse about 6 years before he had lost his little sister in a fire in london.
So now he had lost two important people in his life in less than a couple of years

"*Sniff*" He looked upon his father's body from the front.
His father looked so handsome. even in death

"Fergus was my best friend and pulled me together when I was down." One person said upon the podium and looked upon his body
"Even when he himself was going through some stuff, he would always help ya." Another person said.
"Without fergus... I would have commited suicide along time ago." One final person.
Everyone mourned the loss of a dear friend and family member.

In addition to friends/ family. Amy, corgan, Rabia,keana,and rodney were also there.
Fergus had known tiny man, amy's father and she wanted to know more about him. Corgan was amy's husband so that's why he was there.
Rabia was the daughter of a supervillian who wanted to defeat her father with ferguses help. She admired the man and that's why she was there.
Keana was Fergus's friend and estranged lover. He confessed to her before he died.
Rodney was Fergus's best friend. He and him have quite the history together.

Keana turned to rodney and spoke to him
"You know I had to make up that mugging incident In order to protect his identity and his children." keana said
"keana... you had too , villians would have jumped at the chance to kill his kids."
Fergus chitose had a secret he was superhero known as captain Miracle.
Now that He had died and now his superhero friends had to cover his death up.

" anyone have any final sayings before he we seal away the deceased" the priest said
No one raised there hand
Keagan was tempted too but put his hand down.
"Okay then forever hold your piece." The priest closed his eyes.

They lowered his casket and layed him at rest forever

*sniff* keagan before the funeral said he wouldnt cry
But he couldnt help it , he woshed that he hadnt been so rebelious when he was little and spent more time with his father

"Hello are you keagan?" A woman came up to him
"Yes?"keagan answered
"Your father left you a letter in his will"
She handed him the letter keagan opened it
And he was shocked by its content

Keagan read the letter once more while in the car back he couldnt even believe what it said.

It read:
{Dear my loved son keagan:
I put a lot of thought into this letter I made it just in case I perished while fighting evil and I think its safe to tell you that im the superhero captain Myanmar , and I know you wont believe me but Im still going to tell you. I want you to continue my legacy as captain Myanmar the world needs him and our family needs you
In my inheritance I left you 500 million dollars and half of my shares
Please keagan dont be sad about my departure please just live your life and move on past me
Love your father}

(My dad a superhero? Cant believe it!)

(But then again...) He had a second thought.
His dad was always 'not there' for him when he needed him And he always would come back late at night.


Keagan didn't know what to think but then again maybe we all don't know in the end for the future.

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