Chapter 31 Escape

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Keana and Rodney were fast asleep in their Cells.
They we're both in the Same bed as each other nearly Chest to chest.
Keana snored loudly although this didn't bother Rodney as he just slept through out it.

*BOOM* there was an explosion in the night
Keana and rodney soon were woken from there sleep.
"What the hell was that?" Rodney asked.
"*Yawn* I dont know..." Keana went up the bars of their cell to see what was going on.
"Hey guys!" Suddenly she heard Stacy's voice
"Oh Stacy! are you alright?" keana asked.
" yes mother" Stacy said back sarcastically
Rodney also came to bars and he saw ned with Stacy
"Ned you ok?" He asked
"Yes, you were worried about me?"
"Nah its just if you died the boss would kill me" rodney said jokingly

They all had a laugh and joy in seeing each other again
"How did you escape?"
"The nincompoops forgot the fact that I can phase through solid objects" Stacy said
"And that explosion?"
"I dont know, but it bought us some time" Stacy said
*BOOM* another explosion occurred

"You know what l we'd better get out of here" ned said and they could all agree on that
Stacy phased through the bars and touched keana and rodney and it phased them through the bars
"Huh? Have your powers evolved stacy?" Keana asked
"Huh oh I think so I dont know how though..."
"Well at least something besides your body is growing, hehe" keana said jokingly
Stacy blushed
"H-hey what that supposed to mean" she said.
"Haha." Keana just laughed in response.
"you two lets go!" rodney yelled, him and ned were already down the hallway
They all ran towards the end of the hallway where they saw a not so friendly face.

It was Carol, Who was floating in the air majestically.
Her eyes we're purple and her face was a bit contorted.

"Ah you all escaped?" Carol said
"Carol!" Keana said
"Well it doesnt matter your too late now anyway" carol said

"For the Rise of our god"

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