Chapter Five

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It was now dinner time after watching all the Marvel movies that Tom owned.

"What are you hungry for?" Tom asked looking at Desmond who sat next to him. "I don't really care," Desmond replied. "Well, today is about you! What do you want?" Downey said causing Desmond to think.

"I don't know. I'm not used to much," Desmond replied and crossed his arms as he leaned against the couch. "Hm, do you like Olive Garden?" Chris asked. "Isn't that a fancy and expensive restaurant?" Desmond asked. "Yeah," Tom said. "I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me," Desmond said. "Palease!" Downey scoffed. "Do you know who we are?" He asked Desmond causing the boy to laugh. "Alright! Olive Garden it is!" Desmond said and threw his hands up.

"Alright. There should be some clothes you can change into in your room." Tom said. Desmond nodded and stood up, going to his room. He went to the closet and saw there was a nice suit hanging in the closet. 

He grabbed it and got dressed. He smiled at himself in the mirror. He sighed before opening the door. "Damn!" He heard. He looked up and saw everyone else wearing something similar to him. What?" He asked. "You look great!" Downey said. "Great my ass! He looks awesome!" Turner said. "Ow!" He yelped after Chris popped his butt, hard. "Language." Chris told his son. "You do look amazing Desmond." Chris smiled at him. Desmond smiled softly. "My handsome boy!" Tom smiled and held his arms out. Desmonds smile grew bigger as he walked to Tom and the older man wrapped him in a hug. 

"Ready to go?" Tom asked as they pulled away. Desmond nodded with a small smile. Tom wrapped his arm around Desmond as they all left the house. Desmond looked around in amazement. The bright blue eyes that matched his eyes, beautiful green grass and trees with leaves just a green. They walked to Downeys SUV who had a driver. Downey got in the front, Chris and Turner got in the way back while Desmond and Tom got in the middle row. The SUV had two seats in front, driver and passenger, two seats in the middle row, one behind driver and the other behind passenger, then three in the back row. 

"Olive Garden please." Downey said to the driver. "Yes sir." The driver responded and started driving. "Why don't we play a game?" Turner suggested. "Like what?" Tom asked. "Like a question game?" Turner asked. "Oh! 21 questions." Turner said, remembering the name of the game. "What's 21 questions?" Desmond asked. "Oh! It's a question game to get to know each other. We would choose someone to answer 21 questions then we would ask the next person 21 question." Turner explained. "Oh." Desmond nodded and ruffled his own hair, a sort of 'tick' or something. 

"Why don't we ask Desmond 21 questions first." Downey suggested. "You okay with that Des?" Tom asked. Desmond looked over at him. "Uh yeah, sure." Desmond said softly. "Who wants to ask first?" Tom asked. "You, he's your kid!" Downey said, causing everyone to laugh, but Desmond just smiled. "Alright. Do you have any talents you don't show often?" Tom asked. 

"I've told I can sing well. I like to play piano and guitar mostly, but all instruments, I can play." Desmond responded. "That's awesome Desmond!" Tom smiled. Desmond returned it.

"What's your favourite sport?" Turner asked. "Baseball. I played baseball for ten years." Desmond said. Turners jaw dropped. "Dude that's awesome!" Turner said. Desmond laughed softly.

"Who's your favorite superhero?" Downey asked. "Ironman. That's the first superhero movie I saw. I've always loved ironman." Desmond said with a small shrug. "Ha! My superhero is his favourite!" Downey bragged. The adults rolled their eyes while the two teens laughed. 

"What's your full name?" Chris asked. "Desmond William Grey." Desmond responded. "Really?" Tom asked. Desmond nodded. "My name is William." Tom smiled and pointed his finger to his chest. Desmond smiled. Tom returned it and ruffled the boys hair.

"Favourite song?" Tom asked. "Heaven Bound Balloons. By Granger Smith." Desmond said with a small smile. 

"Favourite music genre?" Turner asked. "Country. I've always loved country music." Desmond said. 

"Who's your favorite singer?" Downey asked. "Granger Smith. He's my number one favorite singer." Desmond said with a small nod.

"What about, Favorite band?" Chris asked. "Um. I don't know, Imagine Dragons, maybe. Or One Republic, or Rixon, or Rascal Flatts. I don't know, those are all tied." Desmond said. 

"Favourite movie?" Tom asked. "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince! A very close second is Ironman." Desmond said causing Downey to scoff lightly and fake a hurt look at Desmond. "Sorry!" Desmond laughed softly.

"Favorite Book?" Chris asked. "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban." Desmond said with a small, single, nod.

"Hogwarts House?" Turner asked and leaned in a little bit. "Slytherin." Desmond answered. "Dude! Me too!" Turner said happily. Desmond smiled and laughed lightly.

"Favorite Color?" Downey asked. "Green and Black." Desmond answered. "Typical Slytherin." Chris muttered, making the two teens laugh some.

"What's your birthday?" Tom asked. "8 May, 2003." Desmond said. "Awe, your younger than me!" Turner said in a light coo to tease the younger teen. "By three months Christopher Turner." Chris said to his son. "He doesn't need to know that!" Turner said in a quieter voice, even though everyone could clearly hear him. Desmond snickered at him. Turner rolled his eyes playfully.

"Who's your role model?" Chris asked. "What's a role model?" Desmond asked back. "Someone you look up too." Chris told him. "Oh." Desmond said before thinking a bit. "Tom." Desmond said. "Tom is someone I look up too." Desmond said and looked at the man next to him. Tom smiled at him. Desmond smiled shyly before looking down with the smile still on his face.

"Favourite Movie genre?" Turner asked. "Horror! I love horror movies!" Desmond said. "Me too!" Turner smiled. Desmond smiled back at him. Desmond was happy he met Turner. Turner can make him smile and Desmond needed a friend like him.

"Favorite quote?" Tom asked. "I have two." Desmond said with a nod as he got more comfortable in his seat. "Uh, the first is; Happiness can be found in even the darkest of time, If one only remembers to turn on the light." He started. "Then, the other was said by Thor." Desmond laughed lightly, making Chris perk up a little. "Uh it was; It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be." Desmond said. "I think that's how it was said, may be a little wrong." Desmond added. "No, it was perfect!" Chris smiled. Desmond smiled back at him. 

"If you could live anywhere, where would you live?" Downey asked. "Um, maybe Tennessee. I went there once when I was younger, I don't remember it though, with my mom. It was her favorite place to go." Desmond said.

"Do you have any allergies?" Tom asked. "Uh, no. But, some foods or medicines make me sick, so that's that." Desmond told him. Tom nodded and remembered the information.

"Favourite Youtuber?" Turner asked. "Uh, I'd have to said Team Edge, Markiplier, or DALLMYD." Desmond told him.

"What sound annoys you the most?" Downey asked. "Nails on paper." Desmond responded instantly. "Makes me want to cry and it physically hurts to hear it." Desmond said and shivered a little. Tom reached over and rubbed his arm. Desmond leaned into the touch, loving the feeling of be cared for.

"We are here!" The driver said and pulled into a parking spot. "Ready to eat?" Downey asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Desmond and Turner cheered as they got out. They all walked inside and got seated. They ordered and ate, enjoying the little jokes and conversations they would make. Desmond was happier than he's ever been, feeling like he had a family and one who cared. HE was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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