She's My Sister

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"I don't care if shes you sister or not. She won't be coming in our house."

"Your pettiness will not make me leave my sister! I don't care how long ago you guys broke up Hakeem."

"I'm going to bed."


I stayed up all night working on wedding plans, I fell asleep watching the real housewives of Atalanta. I woke up the next morning to see Cookie. 

"Oh! You scared me!" 



"We all know that baby isn't Blake's.." 

"What are you talking about?"

She then yelled


and started to choke me

I sat up fast on the couch, gasping for air and all the plans fell out my lap. Hakeem came running from upstairs. 

"Grab your things quick!" 

"What? Why?" 

"no time to explain. I'll explain in the car!" 

He handed me my jacket and my shoes, he basically threw a box of granola bars at me and picked me up and near;y threw me in the car, he climbed over the me, started the car, and we put on our seat belts. 

"Hakeem, your scaring me! What's wrong?"

"Hurry! Get out the car! and keep your eyes closed" 

He carried me down the stairs, when he stops walking i see the Lyons and my family and a few friends everyone jumps out and yells surprise! i fall to the ground with tears, Hakeem holds onto me and smiles letting everyone know i was okay. I see Tianna and walk up to her, Hakeem walks over to me to let me know that Lucious wanted me then he gives Tianna a stank look.

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