He kisses you for the first time

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Klaus - He asked you out for a second date dinner at his mansion. You drive to his house and knock on the door. 

Klaus :Hello luv come in, You look beautiful by the way.
Rose : Thank you. You two sit at the dinner table and eat and talk.

Klaus : Do you want more wine? 

Rose : Yeah sure. He pours wine into your glass.

Klaus : Can I show you something.

Rose :"Um sure". He takes you to his room and shows you a painting of you.

Klaus :Do you like it?

Rose :It's beautiful Klaus. 

Klaus :But I didn't capture all your beauty. He steps towards you and cups your face in his hands he then kisses you and you embrace the kiss making him pull you closer to him.

Elijah- you two were driving to his brothers house for a party when he suddenly stops the car.

Elijah :Can I tell you something. 

Lisa : Anything.

Elijah :I have feelings for you and I want to be more than friends if you feel the same. 

Lisa :I like you too Elijah and I....... with that he pulls you in his arms and kisses passionately yet for the first time.

Kol - You two were coming from a bar you were drunk but Kol wasn't.

Kol : You okay?
Mariya :I think I'm gonna puke.

Kol :Well don't puke before I get to kiss you. 

Mariya :What?

Kol :Don't throw up before... 

Mariya :I heard that part you want to kiss me.

Kol :Yes & I think your beautiful. In a few seconds you were against a wall while Kol was trailing wet kisses down your neck and then to your mouth.

Kol :Do you want me to stop? 

Mariya :No. Then Kol kisses you.

Damon - He asks you to go to a party with him and you agree because you kinda have a crush on him. He picks you up at your house.

Damon :Hey Cassidy you look beautiful. You were wearing a black dress and silver &black pumps. 

Cassidy :Thanks you look great.  He was wearing a tux. 

Damon :You ready. 

Cassidy :yeah. You get into his car and he drives you to the party. As you get there you meet up with Stefan and Damon ditches you to talk to Elena.

Stefan :You know he likes you.

Mariya: Um sure he does he brings me to a party and ditches me to talk to his ex no I think he loves me you say sarcastically.  You see Elena kiss Damon then you storm out of the party drawing Damon's attention he rushes after you.

Damon :Hey whats wrong.

Mariya : Did you really just ask me whats wrong.  OK #1 ask me to a party then you ditch me #2 you ignore me all night and then I see you kissing your ex girlfriend (you say sounding jealous).

Damon :So this is about Elena or your crush on me.

Mariya :What crush?

Damon :Don't act like you don't love me babe.

Mariya :"Shut up Damon!"

Damon :I like you okay Cassidy a lot and I'm gonna prove it he kisses you pulling you close to him not wanting to let go.

Mariya :I like you too.

Stefan - We were walking in the woods when Stefan turns to you and asks what your biggest fear was.

Christine :My biggest fear is of heights, I hate heights.

Stefan :My biggest fear is kissing you then ruining our friendship because of things being awkward.

Christine :Very funny Stefan you almost got me.

Stefan :I'm not joking Christine. Vamp speeds to you and kisses you gloriously you have no option other than to kissing him back.

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