Chapter 1

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"Hey Lola" Alfie whispered in my ear. He was always so loving and caring I'm so glad he had finally thought of me as more than a friend. He hugged my waist and lay me down on the bed. We stared at eachother for what seemed like hours. And then he slowly leant down and....

BANG! I sat boltupright. Shit I must have fallen asleep watching mean girls. More than anything what the hell was that? I was sitting as still as possible. It always scares me even more when I hear loud noises when I'm home alone. But then I heard sniffles and I knew. I ran into the hallway to find my best mate sitting crying in the corner. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I ran over to him and shut the door to my flat. I gave Alfie a key when I moved in he practically lives here anyway. 

"Alfie! Alf! calm down listen just tell me whats happened?! whats she done?!"

He just shook his head. He was obviously to worked up to talk right know so i just got him to stand up and walked him over to the sofa where I then brought him a cup of hot chocolate. Hot chocolate had always calmed him down before. I sat with him for what seemed like hours while he just sipped on his hot chocolate staring at a blank t.v. I couldnt take this any longer I took the hot choclate away from his hands, put it on the table and grabbed his hands making him look me in the eyes. His deep chocolate brown eyes had morphed into red puffy blotches on his face.

"Alfie, please tell me whats happened." He stared deep in my eyes and then sighed.

"It was poppy. I found her. in the bathroom. She was..." And he started welling up again. His eyes filled up with tears and i didnt know what else to do other than throw my arms around him and hold him until it all blew over.

This was the third time this month where Alfie has come bursting into my flat flowing with tears. I don't blame him really. This is all because of his sister, Poppy. She has really bad anxiety which results in frequent panic attacks and recently self harm. The thing I feel most bad about thouh is that Alfie always finds her. I've tried talking to him about it but he just breaks down in tears. He has always loved his little sister and has cared for her all his life and now I get the feeling that he thinks that he cannot care for her anymore and he feels so bad that he can't control this situation.

When he finally calmed down it was nearlly 10 o'clock. He just stared at me longinglly with a sadness in his eyes that I could not make go away so instead I just stared back at him, until he finally stood up and said,

"Lo can I sleep in the spare room tonight I just can't face going back there, I..."

 "Alfie you know I was going to offer you the room anyway. Your my best mate and I can't bear to see you like this."

I walked over to him and gave im a tight hug and then held his hand while we walked up the stairs to the spare room. I only used the spare room for any like makeup items like cleansers or makeup wipes but really it was Alfie's bedroom. The wardrobe had all of his clothes in it and I had a drawer of his underwear and a draw of lynx. Seriouslly anyone would think he lived here. When we got to the spare room he sat stright down on the fresh quilts and patted next to him calling me to sit next to him. So i went over and he put his arm around my waist and looked into my hazel eyes while I looked into his deep chocolate ones. He then took his other hand to join the other around my waist and I placed my arms around his neck and we put our foreheads together until he moved his mouth to my ear and whispered, "Thankyou Lola. I love you." 

"Love you too Alf." I know what this looks like but we always say this to eachother. We wont ever be together like that. Me and Alfie have known eachother basically from birth. My mum and his mum were put next to eachother in the maternity ward and instantly became friends. I guess me and Alfie became friends too. We both went to the same nursery and then the same infant, junior and secondary school. We have stayed friends and have not let any relationships come between us. I always thought that Alfie is like a big brother to me even though we are only days apart in birthdays. He is September 17th and I am september 19th. I guess you could say he is a sort of big brother I guess.

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