We're a bit late, but on Monday it was Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night!
For those of you that don't know, Guy Fawkes is a guy who, in 1605, decided to blow up British Parliament. However, he was discovered because he (idiotically) sent a letter to his brother-in-law telling him to perhaps stay out of Parliament on the 5th November. Guy was caught, famously hung, drawn, and quartered, and we still celebrate Bonfire Night to this day.
What does all of this have to do with the task? Well, you're about to find out!
Write a minimum 250-word scene (if the hyper one of us wasn't writing this task then she'd probably write about 2000, so feel free to do as many as you like) set on Guy Fawkes Night and to do with the magical world. You could set it anywhere, anytime from one in Mahoutokoro, the Japanese wizarding school, at the same time as Newt and Tina visit it, bringing the tradition with them, to the Ministry of Magic where Teddy Lupin throws a party celebrating the occasion for the Aurors! Just make it something to do with Bonfire Night and Harry Potter.
The Deadline is November 25th, winners will be announced shortly after that.
What to do? Just inline comment in front of your name.
Happy late Bonfire Night!
Tasks And Competitions
RandomThis is where you compete and prove that your house is the best. So go in and participate in every task that you can and gain your house points to ultimately win the house cup.