He meets your family

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(His P.O.V)

Y/S/N - Your sister's name

This was it. I thought to myself, this was the day where I'd finally get to meet Y/N's family. I felt my stomach whirl whenever I'd think of it. I felt both nauseous and anxious. My mind began to spiral my thoughts out of control and I soon went from thinking it'll be fine to they'll hate me.

As we rounded the corner nearing her childhood home I began to tap my hands on the steering wheel anxiously while taking in deep breaths. Each one came out more and more staggered and Y/N could sense I was nervous. "Babe," she said, her eyes focused on me. "Babe don't worry. They're going to love you." I suppose she was right, but I couldn't help myself from feeling that they'd hate me.

We pulled into her driveway and she placed her hand on my leg and placed a slow kiss to my lips. "Relax." She murmured against my lips soon pulling away and opening the passenger side door. I followed her out and grabbed her hand for reassurance as we walked up the doorstep. She opened the door and was immediately greeted by her mother & father.

"Hi guys," She said sweetly as she let go of my hand for a moment and hugged her family. "Guys, I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend, Harry." Her mother smiled politely at me and hugged me saying, "It's very nice to finally get to meet you Harry, Y/N has told me so much about you." I smiled warmly and said, "I hope she said nice things." Y/N smiled as she squeezed my hand as her father eyed me over, soon after smiling nicely at me. "Mom, where's Y/S/N?" Y/N said as she pet her dog. "Um, I think she's in her room."

Y/N grabbed my arm and pulled me into the back hallway, quickly pressing a kiss to my lips before heading into what I assumed was her brothers bedroom. There was a little girl sitting on the floor playing with barbies and as soon as we entered the room, the girl immediately clung to Y/N's leg. I smiled wide as Y/N got on her knees and embraced the small girl. The girl looked at me and said, "Who's he?" I knelt down as well as Y/N said, "Y/S/N, that's my boyfriend Harry." I smiled wide at her and said, "Hello." The little girl let go of Y/N and hugged me, I smiled wide as I hugged her back.

At least if her parents didn't like me, her sister did. I thought to myself as Y/N smiled at us.

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