{ e i g h t }

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*at lunch*

you sit outside by yourself, in pain still from the time that Alex aBuSeD you

*Carlos suddenly comes*

Carlos: Hey um... (y/n) its been a long time since we talked because I guess you just wanted to be left alone after what Alex did.. and I understand your in pain I should've protected you and I should've been there.. But to make it up to you I thought that maybe um.. Well.. After school we can go get something to eat..? At.. Hmm.. A seafood place?

You look up at him
You: Yes of course I will! I love-
You: um...
You: seafood!
Carlos sighs

Carlos: O-okay great! Then.. We'll go tonight at hmm.. 5:30?
You: sounds great!
Carlos: see you later :)

*Carlos walks away*

Alex: (standing behind a tree listening) ugh.. That idiot.. he thinks he could mess with me.. The ripped jock thats super hOt sure.. he has what's coming for him.. Trying to take my girl. And on top of that.. Who even takes a girl to a seafood place for their first date?!?

*him remembering he took ona to a seafood place before*

Alex: hm... not me

Vote and comment loves! Tysm <3 I'm so sorry it was short 1 or another 2 chapters will be out *Today!* so stay tuned :)

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