Murder? Me Too!

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Jonsonist came into the apartment around dusk, looking like he'd been in tears. Skuggy instantly went over to him, asking what happened. The two had gotten much closer over the few weeks of being together, and it killed Skuggy to see Jonsonist upset. Jonsonist didn't hesitate to explain, saying that he was only dealing with a bully at work.

Skuggy: What's his name?

Jonsonist: His name?.. David..

Skuggy: David huh?

Clive: He chimes up from the back Do you happen to know his last name?

Jonsonist: Uh... Wilcott, I think.

Clive: Oh OK! I don't know him.. He sounds like a jerk.

Jonsonist: whining he is. He's awful. He says things that should be bleeped out!

Skuggy: Ugh.. Bullies. Don't worry, Jon. I'm sure this'll sort out in a bit. If he keeps bothering you tomorrow, I'll go talk to him, okay?

Jonsonist: sniffling OK..

Cut scene to later that night. Skuggy is outside of David's home, in his backyard. David seems to live alone, and has no pets. Skuggy pulled his hockey mask down over his face and popped open one of the windows with the cleaver he was carrying. Sneaking through the house, he backed up into the hall, making sure there was no one watching or awake. He didn't turn away from the kitchen view, and eventually ran into someone. In a quick flash of fear, he whipped around, only to come face to face with Clive. Both were holding blades, and both in different disguise outfits, though they instantly identified one another.

Skuggy:... Clive??

Clive: Skuggy? Oh my god. He quickly hides his knife behind him

Skuggy: What are you doing here?

Clive: What are you doing here??

Skuggy: Wh-

Clive:... Um. Skuggy? Were you gonna kill David?

Skuggy: He knew it was too late to lie... Yes.

Clive: Hey man- me too!

Skuggy: Wha? No way. There is no way you're a murderer.

Clive: Hehe! Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it, Skuggy. I'll explain when we get home.

Skuggy: Damn. Well. For now you just wanna-?

Clive: Oh, yeah. We've probably woken him up by now. Let's not let him escape!

Both of them were caught off guard, but still shook hands, together busting down the door into David's room and brutally tearing him apart. He didn't have a chance to escape. Both Skuggy and Clive on their own were powerful, but together, the final result of their massacre couldn't even be determined as a body anymore. They cleaned up their mess, leaving no trace that they were there besides the blood and body, and called it a night. At home, they both changed and showered, trying to wash the stench of death off of them.
In the morning they spoke nothing of the event, but when Jonsonist came home in a much better mood, talking about how his boss said David quit, they both exchanged a smug smirk.
According to the newspaper, David's house was also burned to the ground the next day. Neither Skuggy nor Clive could explain that, but it wasn't bad.

Cut scene to Clive and Skuggy, alone in the apartment and sitting on Clive's bed.

Skuggy: so.... Serial killer?

Clive: yes

Skuggy: cool me too

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