(Don't worry no one dies) X)
Clary flipped over the head of the ravener demon with jace and Isabelle at her heels. She glanced back, big mistake, she thought as she was pinned to the floor.
'Clary,' jace screamed in a panicked tone. Isabelle held out her Hand and the redhead grabbed hold. Clary stumbled forward before whimpering in pain and collapsing weakly.
'My leg,' she groaned; it was bent into an awkward position.
Jace grabbed her legs and literally swept her of her feet. Clary groaned until she noticed it was Jace, she began to smile and nuzzled her head into his neck.
When they where back at the institute, demon defeated, clary was laid across a large sofa in a room she didn't know existed. Hodge had announced that it could only heal when in a bandage. As usual jace offered to do the bandage.
He began to wrap her leg up at her foot. When he knew that everyone else had migrated to their rooms, he began to kiss her leg and clary shook with giggles.
'If you two have decided to make out in our only living room then I would stop,' complained a Isabelle like voice.
'Or what.' jace fired between kisses.
'Or eat my food for the next three weeks.' Jace swore loudly before cutting of the kisses at her neck.
Hope you liked this. please vote and comment. cat XD