Chapter one white christmas

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John honey get up it's the beginning of our Christmas month ," said Gail in a happy mood like alway , John is not a winter person like Gail is

"Gail it's too cold in here , go turn on the heater it's on already John oh , I know your not  a winter person like I am , John but it's comes natural,"

"Gail I hate the the cold!" John said getting up from his side of the bed ?" John I know that momma oh look who's up come here Edith

"morning mom , morning dad , morning Gabriella it's a beautiful day here in New York ," it's sure is gabby it's a beautiful winter day at least someone is happy it's winter

"Well Gabriella is like you Gail , and nick is like me he doesn't like to be in the cold well John we can't control it that much I know maybe I should be more faithful like you Gail

We all have faith John maybe your hasn't came yet maybe your right Gail maybe I need to be more flexible with this weather

I'm gonna go to the store and get food for us for today and tomorrow ok Gail gabby want to come with me sure mom get a warm sweater ok and anyway we starting our new vlogging channel today I made one last night we don't have any video yet here the camera Gail ok thank John,

Start it when you want to Gail ok John I'll start it John, here we go and three two one hi guys this is John sayer this is our first vlog for our new channel on YouTube and the camera man or should say camera lady is my favorite person to be with my beautiful and faithful wife Gail

And Gail is gonna give you our first video taste she is going to the story I'll be the editor of this channel and Gail we be the social media person and the vlogger on this channel so when she get home that what she gonna do

Gail show your self in the video this is my wife gail Hi guys my husband John pay me for doing this

I did not gail ah that what I call acting , shirk Gail hey !!! You trick me gail !!, ha ha ha funny we better get going gabby ok mom John !!! Look what ? Ha ha ha ha , oh gail !! Come here watch the hair John it's still wet

Ok we are gonna go now John ok I feel not so good today so I'm gonna take a nap you can film most of the vlog while i take a nap John

What are we gonna make for tonight gail I have no idea John I'll think about something ok

An hour later

Hey guy it's John gail and gabby aren't feeling good today so like alway I'm cleaning the house for Gail what are making for dinner tonight

I can't tell you what it is , because Gail does even know what she gonna make tonight so I'll just make dinner tonight it's gonna be one of Gail favorite chesse pizza

You know  that Gail favorite is pizza and it's also gabby and their favorite I don't really like it but I do it for Gail so Gail can think i like it but I really don't  so I better get out of here before Gail wake up

So ya Gail is a sleep , In my office both me and Gail have offices in this house mine office is down here in the first level Gail's office in the two Level of the house

So I'll put the food away for Gail while they napping first I have to be really quiet so I don't wake up gail and gabby

There Gail and gabby snuggles together on our beds , I'm gonna get a blanket from our closest here so they can sleep with , since it got colder since we have been at home there you go Gail and gabby I'm gonna kiss them good night sleep dream Gail ! There a smile from Gail


Sorry guys the battery was died it's sound like Gail is up from her nap she in her office "how was your nap ? Gail ," it's was ok John is gabby a sleep still what are we gonna make John your favorite pizza yea !! Shh Gail I'm sorry John

Since Gail is up , Gail show them what you did since you been up for a couple minutes well I'm making our first social media which is Instagram and I made this

December like you guys don't know , me and Gail love to serve people In the community so Gail made a website about that , that tell you more about it and tomorrow vlog is gonna be about that so I hope you guys have a wonderful night good and me and Gail were think about how we would end our vlogs

And we decided to end it with a good night sayer family out since that the name of our vlog the sayer family so good night sayer family out

Oh my gosh, we did it !!!John, check it out John we have our first social media Instagram up and I need to find a picture of us to put its on our profile ok Gail

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