Chapter 16 sayers ice skating

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Good morning it's Gail , John and the kids are a sleep well gabby isn't she  with up , I'm finish up the story that  I have told gabby how John and I met if you haven't saw that vlog yet I will put a link to it

Flashback  Gail meets John 1979

Come on Gail let's ice skate , i don't know how , I'll show you how Gail ok Gloria , just push with one foot there your doing it , hi , hi I don't think we met , but I have seen you around school your Gail right , I'm John I'm a new student at school

Yea I think I'd seen you , John sayer right, yea I don't really know how to ice skate , said John it's easy just push with one leg and take off said Gail see, go Gail  said my friends , Gail you want a ride home afterwards , your leaving no I'm gonna teach you more John

Wow yours really good Gail thank , my mom and dad bring us every year since we were little so learn how to do it ,

thanks so much for showing me how to ice skate Gail your welcome well I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school then yea , good night , good night John ?? Here my number call me John ok bye , bye Gail !!! Let me walk  you home ok I can't walk home by my self it's scary at this time

John was holding my hand , so where are you from John I'm from Honolulu Hawaii I'm not used to the cold weather here in Texas , so how many sibling do you have I have 3 sister Joann Jackie and Jenny I'm the only boy ,I have three sister too there  Gloria she the youngest of us girl I'm the oldest Linda the middle and Gloria is the baby

Here we are my apartment thanks for walking me home John I appreciate it , John kiss me on the cheek , well I better go Gail , ok I'll see you tomorrow at school  we kiss for like a minute in a half

thanks for a wonderful night good night , good night John , I put my stuff on the couch a sat on the couch think what a wonderful night I went into my room and said I think I'm in love with the new kid at school

The next day

I woke up , I was in love with the new boy at school , I walk to school like I alway do , John was hiding behind the tree of my apartment waiting for me to come out , Gail ! Oh good morning John , I didn't mean to scare you  Gail what classes do you have , I have English , economics and civics , dance , you like dance I mean yea I'm a dancer too oh really , oh John you make me laugh , ha ha funny Gail , about last night I had a really good time with you Gail

I hope we can do it again some how , how about tonight John ok it's a date I mean it's a deal I'll pick you up around 7 ok

I'll walk you to class Gail you really like to be in class real early don't you Gail , I do John , hey Gail hi Gloria can I talk to in class , I'll see you later Gail Ok John

You and him are meant for each Gail I don't know Gloria he seem goofy and I'm a little different then that oh Gail That how I met josh my boyfriend Gloria josh is your brother oh that right no wonder why

He is cute Gloria , guess what ! What Gail he kiss me last night oh my gosh ! Gail we are going ice skating again tonight see

my brother will kill me if he found out I'm dating a sayer why not well my brother and John sister Joann are together my mom was not to happy about this Gloria

Well that your brother Gail,  your  right Gloria my brother isn't here to tell me who I can and can not date that right

Ring ring , take a seat class we have a new student today it's John sayer make him welcome sit anywhere you want John ok

Hey ! someone said behind me John what are you doing in here they change my schedule Gail plz face forward plz sorry mr Johnston today class we are gonna learn about poem John since it your first day we are gonna go a little easy today

Gail can your poem out loud to the class I will love to mr Johnston class if you didn't know Gail Wolfe is gonna read her poem in front of the whole editing department her poem might be in the school newspaper the class was wowed

Even John was surprise that Gail was gonna be on the newspaper ok my poem  is about a boy I met last night

He's eyes were clear
He's kiss was great
We hug , we laugh , we smile
He grab my hand and pull me close and said want to be mine forever I said yes he pull my hair back and kiss kiss kiss me

The class clap thank you mrs Wolfe
That was beautiful Gail I know you wrote it about me  what if I did John ring ring class dismissed

Gail you forgot your ... book?
Oh John don't forget to write your poem tonight oh ok mr Johnston I won't

Gail! You forgot your ouch John !! "Are you ok ?," I think so here your book Gail thank John

Gail there something I need to tell you what is it John , will you like to be my girlfriend oh John I will love to ok thanks

Gloria, John just ask me out on a date, oh my gosh Gail , your right he is cute Gail , oh Gloria he's eyes are so clear he's kiss is so great we laugh , we hug , we smile

Gail ! Gail ! , huh you are reading your poem from class my goodness I am but I can't help it
He is so cute

Current year 2018

He's eyes were clear
He's kiss was great
We hug , we laugh , we smile
He grab my hand and pull me close and said want to be mine forever I said yes he pull my hair back and kiss kiss kiss me

Mom , mom , mom ! What we are ready to go ice skating or what  oh ok John let's go ok what are you reading there Gail my poem from when we were in high school

Oh that right when you finish I said to you Gail , that was beautiful Gail I know you wrote it about me and you said what if I did John ugh that was my first time I saw you John I know it was Gail

Mom will I ever find a person like dad you will gabby

A few hours later

Gabby ?, hailey! Hi what are you doing here I came to visit for the month hi mrs sayer hi hailey  said Gail what are you doing here Gail we came for my family reunion

Hailey,  guess what my parent decided to move here after school finish I won't be a senior with you oh my goodness I know I will be going to school here now I will still contact you

Come on gabby  let's ice skate i don't know how , I'll show you how gabby  ok Haley  , just push with one foot there your doing it , hi , hi I don't think we met ,  , 

John John look it's happening like it happen to us

I don't really know how to ice skate , said Josh  it's easy just push with one leg and take off said Gabby see, go Gabby   said Haley  , Gabby  I will pick you up later ok mom  , your leaving no I'm gonna teach you more Josh 

Wow yours really good Gabby thank , my mom and dad bring us every year since we were little so learn how to do it ,

thanks so much for showing me how to ice skate Gabby your welcome  , good night , good night Josh  ?? Here my number call me Josh  ok bye , bye Gabby

, so how many sibling do you have I have 3 sister Joann ,Jordan , Jenny I'm the only boy    ,I have three sister and one Brother  too there  Faith  she the youngest of us girl Nicks the oldest I'm the second oldest Edith  the middle and  faiths is the baby

Josh kiss me on the cheek ,  , we kiss for like a minute in a half

thanks for a wonderful night good night , good night Josh  , how long are you gonna stay here in Texas for the whole month we have been here for 3 day we have 27more day here left in Texas we will return back after summer vacation to actually live here

let's do this again soon , how about tomorrow ok I'll find you house Ok
My mom is here I have to go ok bye bye Josh

Beep beep I'm coming mom , bye bye love oh my gosh he's so cute mom ya huh mom I think I feel in love tonight

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