Mr. Mertoie's come to dinner

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"Nikki, come meet Mr. Mertoie" my father called from the dining room as I walked in the front door. It had been a rough day and I didn't feel like playing nice to my father's boss. Another long day of searching for a place of my own turned into an epic fail! At twenty years old I was the last of my friends who still lived at home and it was getting old! My parents seem to think I am still twelve and treat me accordingly! With my current job and no roommate, my pickins were slim on the apartment front.

I put on my best smile and walked into our dining room, prepared to force a polite greeting to an old bald fat cat who employeed my father, however the sight I saw was the polar opposite!  Sitting at the head of our antique cherry wood dining table in a suit that was tailored perfectly to his body was the definition of male perfection! Jet black spiked hair, eyes as blue as a Jamaican ocean, skin that looked as flawless as porcelain and a body that seemed to be carved out of marble! He obviously sensed my reaction to his appearance because the smile he gave me could have caused me to melt into my shoes. "Hello, you must be Nikki, your father has told me so much about you". Oh that voice, like silk! He walked toward me with the grace of a panther and extended his hand to me. After a moment that seemed like an eternity I gave him my hand to shake, but what he did turned my body into a live wire! He brought my trembling hand to his face and brushed his lips against my knuckles.  "N-nice to meet you Mr. Mertoie", I stuttered in a soft husky voice. He grinned and then actually winked at me!  "Please, call me Greyson", he moved back to his seat and I couldn't help but admire the view. I managed to force my feet to move and I stepped to the seat opposite of his. I could feel his eyes on me as my mother came from the kitchen with a tray of food. Always the perfect hostess she served him first. He thanked her and commented how delicious it looked without taking his eyes off of me and I thought I'd pass out! Fortunately dad engaged him in conversation about work so I was able to relax enough to eat. Dad was up for a possible promotion that would double his salary so he was being the biggest brownnoser you would ever meet and it seemed Mr. Mertoie enjoyed people sucking up to him, or at the very least was amused by it. The dinner passed slowly with dad going on and on about his ideas to help the company and mom sucking up to Greyson about how it was so amazing that such a young man was such a success in the business world. Even as he responded to them, I felt him staring at me and when I dared to look up his eyes would burn into mine and made me melt. I knew this man was dangerous but I couldn't help the urge to play with fire.

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