That girl.....

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Greyson's POV

As I walked into my house that night she was all I could think about. Her long chocolate brown hair, steely blue eyes, perfectly plump soft pink lips, her delicate perfectly curved body and that air of innocence that made me wild. Nikki Valmont was incredibly attractive. So different from any other woman I usually go after but I wanted her none the less! Being the daughter of an employee is problematic but it won't stop me. I wonder how innocent she is, her response to me seemed to imply that she's very innocent but I have always had that effect on most women. I headed upstairs to get ready for bed and couldn't help but imagine her in it. It was wrong, she doesn't seem to be the type of girl willing to accept what I have to offer. I shouldn't try anything with her! Even as I try to rationalize this to myself I can not stop thinking about her! I just need to find someone to take my mind off of the sweet delicious Nikki Valmont and work out my frustration. I call my back-up girl Sherry and she's more than willing to come over. Even after Sherry fully takes care of me I'm left unsatisfied! I couldn't stop wondering what Nikki would feel like under me, how she'd respond to my hands on her body, what her lips would feel like crushed against mine in a passionate kiss. I'm going mad with my desire for her when she may not even want me! I need to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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