Chapter 2

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After the last debtor paid, the three of them went to the nearest cafe for some coffee, and in Shizuo's case; a strawberry cake. Shizuo was still blushing a bit, Izaya still snickering on occasion, making Tom wonder what was said between the two. Izaya took out his phone and turned on the camera and pointed it at Shizuo, who was eating his strawberry cake; the raven-haired informant snapped a quick picture of the blond male, sadly he forgot to turn the flash off.

Shizuo was momentarily blinded by the phone camera flash, the blond male looked up to see Izaya wide-eyed with his phone pointed at him. "Izaya..." Shizuo growled. The informant smirked and put his mobile device in his pocket, standing up ready to run.

Shizuo's eye twitched and made to chase after the flea but Tom intervened. "Shizuo, enough. Orihara-san please stop provoking him." The dark skinned man sighed in exasperation.

Izaya pouted, "Fine." He sat back down, making sure to stay a good distance away from the ex-bartender. Shizuo glared at Izaya but relented when Tom gave him a look, he sat down reluctantly mumbling about how pissed off he was.

A ringtone interrupted the silence between them; "Looks like I gotta answer another phone call..." Izaya took out his phone again standing up and walking away, talking to whoever.

Shizuo watched him leave, his friend and boss following his gaze. "Hey, Shizuo..." Tom said to get his blond companion's attention. "Yeah?" Shizuo replied turning to look at him, "I gotta ask, what made you hate him so much?"

Shizuo blinked at Tom's question, "I've always hated him, right from the start." He could find no other answer. "I know that; but what did he do to make you hate him, I mean, didn't your doctor friend say something like ''It was hate at first sight'' or something?" Tom considered his next words carefully before adding...

"From what I've heard, he didn't really do anything the first time you met, so what made you hate him?"

Shizuo crossed his arms and thought on the subject for a bit, before finally voicing his choice of words. "I don't know, it was just that stupid smirk of his, something felt off about it."

Tom opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Izaya walking back and taking his previous seat.

"So, what were you two talking about while I was gone?" Izaya smirked.

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