The challenge with two drunk girls and bloody Mary

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The girls walked out of the small bar Tipsy from the drinks they had ten minutes earlier. Haven been driven to the small creaky bar on the outside of town the two ignorant women had made a few bad decisions such as deciding to steal a simple necklace with two small chains that have two nickel sized metal and gems. The other exceedingly bad decision made by the red head and the brunette was to find their way home through a walking path in the woods.

The brunette girl, Layla can be very diverse in her opinions; she tries her best to make sense of her troubles but, she tries her best to find the way she thinks will help everyone around her best. Layla has one last family member that she tries to hold onto with all her soul but, sometimes it's hard when her brother wont stay in rehab even with her almost sacrificing everything that is keeping her afloat in her life.

Layla's brother, Jared loves but, sees it that sense he is twenty-six and almost five years older than her he should be in control of his life and not be in the rehab center. Jared has been addicted to alcohol for so long that anytime he is taken away form the poisoned drink that he is helpless, something that he fears will happen and, he will never be able to crawl out of the hole of helplessness. Something that Jared doesn't notice but, Layla does; with the alcohol he is as helpless as he can possibly be.

The red head, ironically named Scarlett has problems of her own. Being kicked out of the system at eighteen she was left on the streets to fend for herself; after three months of trying to live out in the streets and, living off of scraps Jared found her and brought Scarlett into Layla's home to take care of until she's back on her feet. Layla when she came home that day was terrified until her brother calmed her down enough to explain why Scarlett was there which in turn caused her unbridled rage towards her brother for letting a stranger into HER home. After one or two months Scarlett was finally treated as one of the family by Layla.

As the girls wondered their way onto the path in the woods, as it got darker they pulled their phone flash lights out and, recollected why they were out at the bar. The girls landed on the two reasons on why they were out partying and getting drinks; one, both Layla and Scarlett convinced Jared to go to rehab willing after having him see what he was doing to the girls. The second reason was that Scarlett finally got a well paying job and a decent apartment to live in.

"what's a good horror story that you have heard over your MANY years of college" wondered Scarlett sarcastically swaying side to side.

"That one's hard but, I would have to say........" Layla thought for a long while trying to figure out a good horror story and, eventually landed on an story of blood Mary she heard a few years back. "Well have you heard of the part of the bloody Mary legend of why she does what she does?"

" Oh, come on! I said something scary not some spooky fairy tail?" Scarlett drunkly said with exasperation. The necklace started to shine in an unorganic nature; Scarlett's pocket started to warm but, she was to inebriated to try and understand what it was so, she refocused onto Layla forgetting about the heat radiating from her pocket.

"Oh, shut up Scarlett! MHGH! Anyways, she was said to have her eyes carved out by her husband on her wedding day and, she died facing towards the mirror. Ya know many cultures believe that your soul can get trapped into the mirror, I think that is what happened in the myth." Layla thought as she explained the short story.

"Okay..... I kinda get that but, how did the bloody Mary go? Like I say Her name a few times then Poof Her she comes? Your dead now? That's kinda stupid don't you think?" Scarlett asked in disbelief.

The unorganic simple necklace started to cool down but vibrate like, a phone going off five times a minute. The Necklace felt powerful as a blonde male was going to a mirror after given a dare by five high and drunk teenagers.

"Okay, so how the ritual goes is Some who have summoned her say that scratches have appeared over their body or face, others say that in rare cases the game results in the player being driven insane, dropping dead on the spot or mysteriously disappearing never to be seen again. How the actual ritual goes though is, sorry for getting of track Scarlett."

"At this point I could care less just get to the rest of the story Layla!!!" Scarlett was slowly getting more and more peeved as Layla wasn't telling the story.


The blond boy, Mason made his way to the bathroom and turned off the lights as he looked into the ominous looking mirror.


" Okay, so first go into a room with a mirror, then you make sure no light can make it's way into the room." Layla exclaimed in a face voice meant to be creepy but, was instead funny.


"bloody Mary" Mason whispered as for the first time this whole party he started to get a bad anxiety inducing feeling.


"then you say, bloody Mary"


"bloody Mary"


"bloody Mary"


"bloody Mary"


"Bloody Mary"


The Boy breathed out a sigh of relief as no ungodly force came baring down on him after the ritual. As Mason turned around and, turned on the lights seeing something strange out of the corner of his eye.


"So that's all?" wondered Scarlett.

"yup, from what I know that's all there is to it." Explained Layla.

The two women made it to Layla's house and, feel into a comfortable sleep. Both of the girls not realizing when the necklace settled and, traveled back to the bar to be used again in someone else's story.          

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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