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This morning didn't feel so great. The feeling of having nothing to look forward to absolutely sucks. I walked alone to school today, skipping breakfast. I had shitty ass Mathematics in the morning which lasted 2 hours. The when my stomach was starting to grumble I headed to the vending machine which obviously didn't want to accept my money. I resulted in queuing up for awful cafeteria food. However, after glancing at the options for the day, I lost my appetite. 

Kim and Jung didn't come to school today, mainly because Kim stayed up all night cleaning after the party and Jung stayed back to help her. So I was practically alone. If only that stupid boy manned up and talked to me. Somehow, Jeongguk managed to avoid me throughout the day, even though most of our classes were similar.

The last lecture of the day was Psychology class in which we had to work on our assignments. An assignment in which I was paired with Jeongguk. I sat at the table waiting for his arrival. I got my laptop out and began looking through nothing in particular. I saw him walk in and immediately looked away. I didn't want to make awkward eye contact. I pretended to be engrossed in my work until he plopped down next to me. I looked up at him to say hi but he never spared me a glance. Instead, he rummaged inside his backpack and I waited for him to finish.

"Could you work on the hypothesis?" I said clearing my throat.

He looked at me slightly startled, and then away again. "Yeah, sure."

I frowned and bit my lip, and then actually started to get some work done. Halfway through, my stomach let out a really loud and embarrassing grumble. I blushed slightly and from the corner of my eye I saw Jeongguk look over.

"Did you eat anything today?" he asked mumbling.

"What?" I asked turning to him, surprised.

"I asked if you ate anything today." he repeated.

"Um, no, not really." I answered.

"Why not?" he said frowning, and looking straight at me now.

"Well, the fridge was empty at home, and the stupid vending machine didn't want my money. And you know how I feel about cafeteria food." I said.

He sighed, "Picky as usual."

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Here" he said tossing me a small lunchbox. "My mom made it." he said.

I frowned, "I don't think I'm a huge fan of eating your leftovers, Jeongguk."

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. "My mom made lunch for you too."


"Oh. Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. Tell her I said thank you." I said embarrassed.

He nodded and went back to work. I opened the lunch box and the delicious waft of freshly cooked rice and meat filled my nostrils. I sighed and closed the lunch box.

"Jeongguk, what's going on?" I asked.

He frowned, not looking away from his laptop. "What do you mean?"

I tutted and shut his laptop. 

"Hey, I didn't save that." he said annoyed.

"Google Docs is always on auto-save. Now tell me. Why are you acting like this? Was it something I did?" I asked.

He looked at me in the eyes for the first time today. 

"I'm not any different."

"Yes you are. Jeongguk, please. Whatever it is I want to fix it. You're my best friend and I really, really care about you and it upsets me to see that you're upset with me. Now talk to me, please." I said taking a hold of his hand. 

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