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Usually I hate waking up early, but today it wasn't so bad. I ended up dropping my phone while blindly reaching for it on the side table to switch off my alarm. That resulted in a few cracks on my screen protector but that was nothing 20 bucks couldn't fix. It was only when I stepped into the steaming hot water of my shower when I realised Jeongguk would be walking me to college today. 

After what he did for me yesterday, I still wasn't sure whether I was really awake or still dreaming. Right now, I'd say Jeongguk takes the number one spot in my friend list. He did something I thought no one would ever do. 

It was the first night I slept in my house after that huge blowout with mom. She's acting weird and she almost seems like she's avoiding me. No forget that, she is avoiding me. When I walked down to get breakfast she was on the phone as usual.

"What do you mean I can't cancel it? That's insane!"

I sighed and walked past her to make my own toast and eggs. Sooner or later, while I was trying to accomplish doing one of those cool egg flips on a pan thing, she spoke up.

"Melody, be careful."

"And why do you care all of a sudden, mom?", I asked, not looking at her.

She sighed, "Mel, I'm really sorry okay? I never realised how much I hurt you. I just, got excited."

"Yeah because it's always about you." I snapped.

"I'm cancelling the appointment. Although they made me pay a fee but that doesn't really matter. I cancelled it."

I turned off the stove and faced her. "I don't care whether you cancelled it or not. That doesn't fix things. I would never have gone whether the stupid doctor was still available or not. It's the fact that you made it in the first place."

"Well what do you want me to do, Melody? I apologised, now what?"

"I want you to stop. Stop all of this nonsense and be yourself."


"But it's never going to happen. That's why I can never forgive you."

With that, I stepped out of the house and Jeongguk arrived just on time.

"Oh hey, I was just about to ring the doorbell." he said chuckling.

This guy could really lift my mood just with his smile. 

"Hey, yeah, perfect timing." I said smiling slightly.

He frowned, "You okay? I can tell something's bothering you."

"Nah, it's nothing. I just had a small talk with my mom."


"Yeah, no big deal. I think I handled it pretty well." I said jokingly.

He smirked, "Oh yeah?"

At that moment, my stomach let out a loud rumble.

"God dammit." I cursed.

"I found out about a waffle place down the corner, it's so good." Jeongguk said amused.

"Sounds great, gguk. But like, being the dumbass I am, I made food just now but I walked out on it because of-"

"Your mom?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Well, forget about her, and that food, and we'll go have some mouth-watering, fluffy, sweet, golden-brown-"

"Oh my god stop." I groaned laughing.

Surprisingly, living here longer than Jeongguk has, he seems to know more places than I do. The waffles were spectacular and I made Jeongguk promise me to being me here at least twice a week. 

We had class together in the morning, where we met with Kim and Jung. After that we headed to our favourite stop, the bubble tea store. As usual we laughed our asses off while choking on pearls. 

"I got one, I got one. How do you ask a glass of water what it's doing?" Jung asked.

"Wat-er you doing?" he finished. 

"Oh no, Jung, I thought you had better taste in humour." Kim groaned. 

I, however, wouldn't stop laughing at that bad joke. 

"Is it really that funny?" Jeongguk asked.

"How dare you." Jung replied. 

"Hey, guys," Kim spoke up, "My family is having an open house this weekend. And all my parent's friends are going to be there and they're um, you know, old and shit. So I would really like you guys to come."

"Kim, we'd never pass on free food. Even if you didn't invite us, we'd be there." Jung said.

"Great! Mel, Jeon?"

"I'll be there. Maybe I could pick you up?" Jeongguk asked me shyly.

"Yeah that would be great because you and Jung live on like the other end of the world." I told Kim.

She laughed, "Oh come on, it's not that far. But hey, I'm looking forward to see you guys there."

We headed on home and split ways with Jung and Kim at the bus stop because like I said, they live in a completely different universe. Okay, maybe a bit too much. I walked home with Jeongguk and as usual, we were talking about random, silly things.

"You know I used to hate English." he said.

"Really? Why?"

"Well, because I couldn't speak it and in general, the English language is confusing and they like to manipulate so many words to mean so many different things it just, it was awful." he complained.

I laughed, "You're not wrong. But you speak so well now."

He shrugged, "I'm okay. I have friends who can do much better."

"As long as we can have a normal conversation together, I think you're good gguk."

"I like that." he said suddenly.

"Like what?", I asked confused.

"That nickname you came up with."

"Technically, I didn't come up with it. Doesn't your mom call you that?" I asked.

"On second thought, I change my mind."

"Hey", I said as we laughed together.

"You sure you'll be okay at home? With your mom?" he asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I said smiling softly.

"You know, I'm only one call away." he said mimicking the one and only, Charlie Puth. 

And damn this boy could sing.

"That was bad, please never be that cheesy ever again." I said cringing and laughing at the same time.

"What? Charlie Puth is amazing."

"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked.

"I said that Charlie Puth-"

I giggled slightly, "That's cute."

"What is?"

"The way you pronounce his name."

"Wait, I'm saying it wrong?" he asked embarrassed.

"No don't worry, it's better that way." I said chuckling.

"No wait, how do I pronounce it then?" he asked curiously.

I kept my mouth shut while Jeongguk prodded at my arm. 

"Melll, come on." he whined.

"If you're such a big fan, search it up on google, you idiot."

"Fine. I'll show you what I got tomorrow."

"Will you also walk me to school tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

"Always, Mel."


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