Chapter 3- The Mall

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I have never sung like that in my life, but with Emmett I just couldn't help it. It was as if we were the only two people on the planet, and I could just let lose. When I dropped his hands while we were singing, at first I didn't even realize it, but when I did it was too late, so I rolled with it and hoped he would catch on and put on a performance too, and when he did, I got even more into it, which I didn't even think was possible. He sang like a God, at first I was even taken back and I had a, small, shocked look on my face, when he saw it he smiled slightly, so I quickly took it off, but my gosh, when he sang, it was like I was sucked into what he was singing and I forgot everything and it felt like it was just us.

When it was all over, and I was still stuck in our story, I didn't even hear the applause, all I heard was our breathing trying to calm down, and when I finally did see all the applause I felt so overwhelmed. Sure, I've gotten applauded for my singing before but never in class when we were rehearsing, and never like this. When I looked up and saw Emmett I couldn't help but smile wide.

He smirked at me and said, "Your friends were right you sing like nobody's watching."

I was about to protest before Mr. Swill interrupted me and started going on and on about how he would make a whole new set for nationals just to make sure it revolved around Emmett and I, and would end on this song. Now, I'm not one to get stage fright, I never have before, and I never thought I would but when he said that, I did feel my heart skip a beat with nervousness, but then quickly made it go back to normal. I would not let myself get nervous, but I still was I have never sang like that in my life, I have never made me own performance, I have never been so dedicated to one song, ever. When I looked up to see Emmett though, I smiled wide and realized, as long as I was singing with him, I knew I could do it all over again.

The rest of class, just consisted of constant praises from everyone in the class, and the teacher stressing about coming up with a new set and having to find a new choreographer, the constant glares Matt was giving Emmett-though Emmett was being a complete gentleman and acting like he didn't see them, even though I knew he did,-, and Emmett's arm wrapped around my waist, putting me in just a little of a daze. Just a little, I swear. Once choir ended and Emmett and I had to part ways, I still got to walk with him to his next class, because Mr. Peachy said I could earlier.

"So," I started to say to Emmett as we walked out of choir, finally losing the mob of people surrounding us earlier, "as I was going to say before, but I didn't get the chance to, you're a really good singer. No wonder you're in advanced choir and Mr. Swill wants to make you the star of the show," I said nudging him with my elbow, jokingly, I've only known him for, like, four hours, but I can already tell the spot light isn't his best friend, and he'd just rather be in the chorus.

"I really am not that good of a singer," he started, wrapping his arm around my waist, while I wrapped mine around his, "especially compared to you. You were great out there, can't wait to do it again." He said wriggling his eyebrows looking down at me.

I couldn't help but laugh, then I got a great thought. I ran in front of Emmett, putting my hands up in front of my body so he ran into them as I practically yelled, "Stop!" at him, causing a few people, and by that I mean everyone in the hall way, turned to stare at us, but they were already staring anyways, so I didn't mind.

"Oof," he said running into me, "what up?" he asked putting his hands up, with a confused look on his face.

I ran back to his side, wrapping my arm around his waist. "Wrap your arm around me," I ushered him because I wanted to do this quickly so I wouldn't make him late and because I've always wanted to do this. "Now, you put your left foot out, while I put my right out, and put it out slanted so it's turning to the left," we both took a step to the left, then I said, "now, put your right foot out, while I put my left out, and curve that one to the right," we both did it, "now just repeat."

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