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I died peacefully with old age in my sleep. I woke up in a dark place with a light far away. I could tell that the night was getting closer at an inconsistent rate. Finally after 10 minutes or so the light was so close I can feel the warmth, I was ready to be embraced by God and live eternally in heaven. I feel his hands grab me and take me out the darkness and into the light. It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust but then I saw the person holding me wasn't God, he was a doctor. The man cut my stomach and I looked around. Behind the man was a TV with terrible images on it I saw news reports with people being killed, raped, and tortured over nothing at all. I realized this wasn't heaven...this was hell. I screamed and screamed for help but no one seemed to care. I concluded these were the demons, the tall ones smiling and laughing while I screamed and pleaded to go back to the darkness.

The thing is... the demons don't call it hell. They call it a earth.

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