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Minho and I practiced until dawn. My body felt exhausted. After the song ended I walked up to Minho and wrapped my arms around him. "I need a recharge" I said and closed my eyes. It feels nice to be in his arms. Minho just held me tight, and I could hear him chuckle softly.

After a few minutes I let go. "We should probably go home! It's getting late!" Minho nodded, and we both got changed. I put my uniform back on, and looked in the mirror. My hair is a disaster... And is that a zit?!

I suddenly felt a bit ashamed. How could I possibly not have noticed this! And I feel like I gained weight as well... What is Minho doing to me! "Yuna! Are you almost done?" I could hear Minho yell from the other side of the door. "I'm coming!" I ran to the door, and went home with Minho.

"Say Yuna, can I stay at your house for a little longer? I'll miss you too much if I go now!" He looked at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. He's so cute! "Of course!" We walked inside, and I took off my shoes. "Ruby, I'm home!" I said as I walked into the living room.

I just stood there for a minute or so, with my eyes wide open. Minho also came up to me, questioning why I was standing still, but as soon as he got into the living room he also just stopped.

Chan. On top of my sister. WITHOUT A SHIRT ON? "RUBY!" I yelled. Chan quickly got off her, and walked up to me. "It's not what it looks like!" I just covered my eyes. "P-put on a shirt!!" "Ah!" He quickly put his shirt back on, and just stood there embarrassed. Minho, who also just stood there, grabbed my hand. "Let's go somewhere else!" I nodded, and we ran outside.

Owhmygosh, what just happened... CHAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER! Yes, their baby's would be cute, BUT I'M NOT READY TO BE AN AUNT YET! "Yuna...Yuna...Yuna!" I look up and saw Minho wave his hand in front of my face. "Are you okay? You were spacing out." I shook my head. "I'm fine! But... Where do we go now?"

Minho was deep in thought for a second, but seemed to get an idea soon. "Why don't we just go over to my house? It's not like you haven't slept there before!" I thought back about the time I slept over. Suddenly I remembered sleeping on the couch with Felix. Stupid me! No. Bad.

When Minho and I arrived, almost everyone had already gone to bed, except for Felix and Hyunjin. I quickly averted my eyes. "Yuna! What are you doing here? It's already late!" I could see Hyunjin look worried. At the same time, Minho walked up behind me. "Chan and her sis seemed like they didn't want to be disturbed, so I brought her here!"

Hyunjin threw a pillow at Minho. "What is she going to do now!! Last time she slept here she couldn't sleep at all remember?" I grabbed the cushion Minho was holding onto and hugged it. "I'll be fine! At least I have something to hug when I'm scared." Hyunjin walked up to me. "I'll hold you when you're scared", and he winked.

Minho grabbed the cushion out of my hands and hit Hyunjin with it. You could clearly see he was jealous. "Don't you dare do anything to her you pervert!" Minho stepped in front of me, as some sort of symbol that he was trying to protect me.

I glanced over at Felix, who stayed quiet all this time. He didn't seem bothered at all. I guess he really doesn't care about me... Ahh, whatever!

Minho and Hyunjin were having a pillowfight, so I decided to leave quietly and go to the attic, where I also slept last time. It was still dark and scary, but I decided not to care anymore. I just want to sleep! With my clothes still on, I lay down and fell asleep.

*Buzz buzz*

My phone woke me up. Still half asleep, I checked the time. Who on earth sends a text message at 2 am! When I saw who texted me I was fully awake. Felix.

Are you still awake? If so, please come downstairs, I wanna talk to you.

Talk to me? About what? What if he found out I'm dating Minho! Not that it's a disaster, I just don't like the idea of him thinking my feelings are fake. I stood up and went downstairs. I saw Felix sitting on the couch, playing a game on his phone.

"Felix?" I sat down next to him. "What did you want to talk about?" He put his phone away, and looked at me. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked. Do I have that much of a bed head? I just nodded. It still felt a bit uncomfortable talking to him, especially in the middle of the night, when no one is around!

"Anyway... I wanted to talk about Minho and Hyunjin. You probably didn't notice, but they have been fighting a lot more since a while. Not physically, but just with the way they act, and talk. I think it might be because if you..."

He paused for a second. "Because of me? Did I do something wrong?" I suddenly became worried. Felix suddenly laughed softly. I just looked at him questioning.

"It's nothing like that! It's just... They both care for you a lot! And they both want what's best for you, but they have different opinions on what actually is best for you. I'm just worried that it might get worse."

I'm so confused... "What's best for me? What do you mean? And they always seem fine whenever I'm with them!" Am I really the one causing them to fight? I thought back about the time in the cafe. "I'm done with you!" What if that was actually my fault?

Felix probably noticed how sad I was feeling, and he put his hand on my back. "They don't want you to feel troubled, which is why they don't fight when you're around."

"If I'm really the one causing them to fight... Then what should I do? I don't want to cause them anymore trouble then I already have!" Tears just fell down. Why do people always get hurt when they meet me? "Maybe I should just leave..."

I got up, but Felix grabbed my wrist and pulled me down. "That's not what I meant!" He sounded very fierce, which shocked me a little. "But then what do you mean by 'they want what's best for me'?" His look softened. He sighed, as if he was gonna tell something he wasn't supposed to.

"What I'm trying to say is that they are both in love with you. They both think they can make you happier, and don't want to give up. That is also one of the reasons why I couldn't return your feelings. I could never do that to a friend. I care about you a lot, which is why I'm telling you this. Please don't do anything reckless..."

He pulled me into his arms. Even more tears fell down. That's why he was acting so weird... My head couldn't comprehend anything Felix just said. Hyunjin loves me as well? Is that why they are fighting? If it really is true... What on earth am I supposed to do!

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