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After I calmed down Felix let me go. "I-I'm going upstairs again..." I quickly went upstairs and let myself fall down on the bed. Why did my life have to be so complicated? I should have never come here in the first place!

I grabbed my phone and called Ruby. I didn't care anymore what time it was. With a very sleepy voice she picked up.

"What's wrong Yuna, why are you calling me at this hour?"

Just by hearing her voice I started crying.

"What am I supposed to do?"

I could say anything else. Ruby was silent for a while, but seemed to understand that I really needed a good talk.

"You're at Chan's house aren't you? I'm on my way right now."

"Thank you Ruby"

I hang up, and went downstairs to wait for Ruby. Felix had already gone to bed luckily enough. Not too much later I heard a soft knock on the door. I opened the door, and Ruby stood there with her arms wide open. I hugged her tight, still crying. "Let's go inside" ruby softly said, and pet my head.

Chan, who stood behind Ruby, went upstairs so we could talk. We sat down on the couch, and she pulled me closer. "You've been through a lot, haven't you?" I just nodded, thinking back about everything that happened.

I told her everything. About me liking Felix, being heartbroken, about Minho and I dating, and about the conversation Felix and I just had. Apparently Ruby already found out Minho and I were dating, but told me she wanted to hear it from me. Through the whole rant she kept ruffling my hair to calm me down.

"So if I understand it correctly, you and Minho are dating, even though you're still not completely over Felix, and at the same time Hyunjin likes you?" Ruby asked, to summarize it. I nodded. "You really are in a big mess sis..." She said, as she got a concerned look on her face.

"But, what do you really want?" Tears stopped falling. What do I want? "I don't know... My whole head is just one big mess right now, I can't even think straight anymore!" Ruby let out a sigh. "Even if you can't figure it out yet, you have to know that whatever you choose, I will always support you. I know that the boys will do so too, so don't rush yourself into making decisions."

I really have the best sis ever! Already calmed down, I decided to ask Ruby something as well. "Say Ruby, what exactly is going on between you and Chan? Is he my new brother in law?" Ruby turned red. "We... We're dating..."

"OWHMYGOSH RUBY!" I half screamed. "Sssht, the boys are sleeping!" Oops I forgot... "But that's amazing! I'm really happy for you!" I said with a big smile on my face. "But... Why on earth was he on top of you last night! shirtless!!!"

Now Ruby just put her hands before her eyes to try to hide her face. "It's really not what you think!!" He just took a shower, but couldn't find his shirt. He went downstairs to check if it was somehow there. I was also downstairs, and got really embarrassed. Suddenly he tripped, and we both fell on the couch, and just then you walked in!"

I couldn't stop laughing. "Of course that happens to you! But you chose a good boyfriend. I mean, did you see his abs!" I forgot how great it was to tease Ruby. She just grabbed me and started tickling me.

After tickling each other back and forth for a few minutes we were both exhausted. "Why don't we get some sleep when we still can?" I asked. "We can share the bed at the attic. Or... Do you perhaps want to sleep next to Chan?" Ruby hit my head, and walked upstairs. She stopped for a second, and turned around. "Don't you want to sleep next to Minho?" "Come here you!" I said, and ran upstairs.

We both lay down in bed. "Thank you for coming here Ruby. I really needed it." She kissed my forehead. "I'm your sister, I'll always be there for you!" We hugged each other and fell asleep.

"Yuna... Yuna..." A soft voice woke me up. "Ruby...?" I opened one eye, but Ruby wasn't here anymore. Instead, Minho sat down on the bed stroking my hair. "Goodmorning princess." "Goodmorning" I said back with a sleepy voice. "Where is Ruby?" Minho chuckled. "She's with Chan downstairs."

I sat up and hugged Minho. He kissed my forehead, and hugged me back. "You must still be really tired, since you two made it so late. I heard from Chan that you weren't feeling very well. Are you feeling a bit better now?" I nodded. "I am, a lot better even." "Good..." He said with a soft voice.

"School is starting soon, why don't you get ready, breakfast will be done in 10 minutes." He kissed my forehead again, and went downstairs.

Even though I'm still not sure about what to do for now, I should just clear my mind for a while and not think about it too much. I put on my school uniform, searched my bag and luckily enough found some make up.

After getting dressed I went downstairs. Everyone was already downstairs eating breakfast. I quickly sat down next to Minho. "Good morning everyone!" I said with a smile. Everyone smiled back at me. Soon after breakfast we went to school.

We had history at first, so I sat next to Felix. Felix got a little closer. "Yuna" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah?" I said back softly. "About yesterday, sorry for upsetting you like that. Are you really okay?" I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine, I just need some time to clear my head, that's all!"

Without me noticing the teacher suddenly stood in front of me. "Say, miss Yuna, would you like to share with the class what is so great that you need to talk while I'm teaching?" Ah he scared me! "I'm very sorry sir, it wasn't my intention!" I said. "Why don't you stay here after school, to make up for the lesson you disturbed. Detention Yuna."

Detention...? AAAHHH NO! I never had detention before! Felix spoke up. "I'm very sorry sir, it's my fault! I asked her a question." I gave him a short thank you, but the teacher wasn't so thankful. "Then why don't you stay here as well? It seems you need to learn to keep your mouth shot."

Poor Felix! But detention, all he did was care for me, that's a bit harsh! I guess I'm gonna be alone with Felix again for at least an hour... I glanced over at Minho, who didn't seem to like it at all.

The teacher started teaching again, but Minho and Hyunjin didn't seem to mind. "Hey Hyunjin, look at this!" Minho shouted through the class, and he threw a paper plane through the classroom. "But look at mine!" Hyunjin shouted, as he also threw a paper plane, which accidentally hit the teachers head. The teacher turned around, really angry. "I'm done with you guys! Detention! All of you!" I looked at Minho and he winked at me. This is gonna be fun!

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