the talk (1)

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So this is a switch POV type of story, please bare with me lol I'm trying

"(Y/N)!" The childish tone of my younger sister  spoke up, poking my arm numerous times.

I flinched, looking down at her. Just the sight of my sister drove me on edge, flashing back to the imagery of my parents terror. It wasn't pretty. I didn't notice my breath had began quickening before Nanami poked me again, attempting to ground me back into reality.

"Right.. yes Nana?" I questioned, my hand resting on her small head , ruffling up her silky locks.

"Mama talk!" She cried out, tugging on my (F/C) shirt.

"Alright pipsqueak" I chuckled, grabbing her sides to lift her up from me. Nanami giggled and lifted her arms in a comical pose. "Wheeee! Superhewo (Y/N)! I flying! I be big and powerful like you!" I froze, almost dropping her. I placed her down gently, bringing my hand to ruffle her messy locks again. "Trust me, you don't want to be like me.. blessed child." I murmured. She was still too young to understand my power unlike my other siblings. She was a late bloomer so her quirk hadn't even manifested yet. I nodded, understanding what she was referring to. "Now go get some breakfast. I'll be down in a bit"


I had already finished eating so I went to take my dishes to the sink and wash them, letting the water pour down as I began scrubbing on the plates with the nearest sponge.

Ever since the event I couldn't stop thinking about it. First my friends, then my siblings and now my parents... I instinctively clenched my fist to subdue the anger and frustration that was beginning to boil on the back of my head. I didn't want to have this ability. I had no idea how to even begin to control it. What does she  to talk to me about? Possible answers rang through my head. Maybe I was in trouble again for getting in petty arguments with my siblings. After all I was the eldest.

After I dried the dishes and put them away in their respective places I headed my way to the living room where my parents were sitting down on the plush couch waiting for me.

"Sit down (Y/N)." My mother mentioned in her usual delicate tone, her expression somewhat concerned me. Her usual lively eyes seemed more on the dull side and were those.. bags under her eyes? My father was sitting next to her, silently holding onto her free hand. The same tired expression seemed to be etched onto his features as well. His usual well kept hair was untamed and messy as well as my mothers. Why did they look so restless?

I did as they asked and nodded slowly, bringing my body down on the couch that was on the opposite end of where they were sitting. I let my hand pet the seat and find its way towards a pillow, bringing it to my lap as a comfort for whatever they were about to talk about to me. Having "a talk" , especially with your parents, was never a good thing.

My father cleared his throat, almost as if he had no idea what he was going to say to me. His hand was visibly shaking before my mother steadied him, now taking the lead in the act. She fiddled with her long dress and then met her gaze with my own.

"As you know (Y/N) , we've been struggling to find ways to control your... abilities."

She was most likely trying to avoid calling my quirk monstrous, horrendous, a burden, or anything along those lines. At this point I had already taken the hint. Still, I remained silent and nodded. My heart had began to slowly pick up a pace, the nerves getting to my system.

"It's been about a year or two where this has gotten worse, any sign of anger or an unstable feeling makes you drive out of control and lash out honey... and that causes your quirk to activate and .. it's been becoming an issue issue for your father and I to keep up with such a unique ability..." She kept shifting in her seat, an uneasy feeling sprouting within me.

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