wishes (5)

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The muffled sound of weight on my blankets stirred me to slowly wake up to check what it was. However , I didn't even blink before the said weight jumped on top of me, knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasped and looked up to see my sister Nanami obnoxiously singing the tune that indicated today was the day of my birth, 14 years ago.

"Happy birthday tooo you!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, flashing me her iconic bright smile. She was quite the ray of sunshine.
I sighed, annoyed. I still couldn't help but smile a bit at her pure intentions. Although things were rough, he naive innocence was something amusing.

It's been 4 months ever since my parents announced I was getting moved to a foster home. As said, they were currently being checked to find me a new home. Every day has turned into a constant feeling of paranoia crawling on my skin. When will I be taken away? Will my new family like me? Of course they won't. I've been arguing with my parents a lot more than usual. Screams and insults being thrown back and forth until the crack of dawn became something usual. The growing tension only worsened my situation.. they've kept me updated on the situation but spared me the details. I'm pretty sure they're aware of how much I hate this. I don't want to go somewhere else. I don't want to leave my neighborhood. I don't want to leave my safe space and most importantly I don't want to leave him. My home had turned into a battleground and all my defenses were up and running. I hated that. All I wished was for things to go back to happier times.

I lazily brought my hand up and messed Nanami's hair a bit to acknowledge her. I then pinched her cheek, a slight smile spreading on my lips. "You little rascal, it's 6 am."

Nanami shrugged, not really caring about the fact it was extremely early. She hopped off the bed and grabbed my hand, attempting to pull me out of bed even though she was miserably failing.

"Nanaaa." I complained.

"Get up! Get up!" She chanted.

I eventually gave up and pulled myself out of bed, going on with my morning routine as she excitedly ran down the halls to wake up my other siblings. I could hear the lively chatter outside the door meanwhile I brushed my messy (H/C) locks in front of the mirror. It's been a while since the house has felt so.. alive. A small pang of nostalgia hit my chest before I pushed it away, reminding myself that today was no exception to the fact they were giving me away to another home soon. No birthday celebration could change the fact of that reality.

I opened the door and walked out, making my way to the kitchen. I was met with my mother
holding a tray of my favorite breakfast as my father carried Nanami on his shoulder and my other siblings circled the table. I stood in silence to see what would happen. Nanami quickly noticed my presence. "And a one, two, three!"

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!~" They sang to me for the second time today. Sakura lead me to sit down on the table meanwhile she sang. Her hands trembled a bit from being close to me yet she still led me nonetheless. I was impressed how she remained close to me without hiding behind my mother as usual. I laughed a bit at the obnoxiously optimistic scene, it made me feel at home for once.

My mother walked up to me and put down my favorite breakfast accompanied by a muffin with a lit up candle that had the number fourteen on it. "Make a wish." My mother whispered , leaning down to kiss my forehead.

A wish..
I wished to not have this quirk.
I wished to stay home.
I wished to not scare them.
I wished they would love me the way I am.
But most importantly
I wished to be free

Free of this power, free of this weight in my chest that haunted me everyday. Free of this paranoia that followed me every single day from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. I wished I was free from all the fighting and all the arguments. I wanted to be free from this life, free from the stares I got from my old friends back when I was younger and more naive. I wished that I could turn back time and nuzzle myself in my parents warm embrace back when I didn't pose as a threat to them.

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