JEALOUS AngelxAlastor part 2

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((HAPPY NEW YEARS YA BUNCH OF SINNERS! *confetti and fireworks!* BOOSH!

for some odd reason i feel as though i should make this fic a seprate book all together as it's quite fun to write))

It was around 7 hours later when Angel sluggishly made his way back to the Hotel,There was a small sway in his steps, but even so, He wasn't completely drunk, but then again not exactly sober either,  The lobby was empty, bar from a rather board Alastor who sat at reception with his unnaturally straight posture, hands intertwined together as they lay politely on the desk, 

Alastor didn't seem to pay any notice to Angels return, that was until the other spoke, tone seeming as though he was annoyed, or that he had a bone to pick with the radio demon,


Angel called, making his way over to the desk, Alastor didn't respond.

Which only pissed him off further, causing Angel to slam one set of hands on the desk with a thump.

"oi, are you listening to me?!"

Alastor gradually raised his gaze to meet the tipsy one's, intentionally staying quite as he knew how agitated that made him, however he didn't exactly appreciated the impertinent gesture of Angel slamming his hands down so aggressively so he verbilised.

"please refrain from doing that, its not polite"

His tone held that of a patient parent with a troublesome child, even so a smirk began to tug at his lip's, watching as Angel only became more infureated, obviously Alastor was aware of why Angel had stomped off earlier, the spider alway's was one to jump way to fast to conclusion's, and certianly one prone to jealousy, it was all quite amusing if Al was to be honest, at times he found him self trying to hold back a chuckle or two, as he watched Angel attempt to hide such emotions, and sure he could step in, and let the other know that there was no need to worry, that he found himself attracted in the same way, As Angel was to him, but where would the fun in that be?

In retaliation to Alastor's ask, Angel slammed another pair of hands against the desk, his words coming out slurred and aggrivated, 

"i do what eVeA the 'ell i wan'! and right noW i got!- i gOt i bone to pick with ya deer boy!"

a finger got pointed in Alastor's direction, yet all he did was raise a brow, and  snigger in amusment, his head tilting to the side as he watched Angel's drunken state, 

"deer boy?"

"Ya KNow WhaT aH mean! dont patronise Me! Al- Alastor- buddy- pal- sweet cheeks-"

Angel continued, leaning forward with each pet name he gave, till he almost touched Alastor's nose,

"WhaT is uP you you and that MImzy chick- WhAT dOes she got what- "

he stopped for a moment, face scrunching up as he let out an internal burp,

"what i dON' !"

The spider slumped, before throwing his head back with a groan of annoyance, and that was the moment  Alastor let a laugh slip past his lip's, before pushing himself up from his seat and standing, as fun as all this was, Alastor supposed it was time to be a gentleman, and help Angel to bed,

"Come on dearie, let's get you to bed before you disrupt anyone else"

Al strode around the cheak-in table, preparing to reach out, and most likely drag Angel back to his room, only to be stopped, as his hand that reached out, was swiftly grabbed, by none other then the pink glove wearing spider, before he even got a chance to speak, it was now Angel who was doing the leading, his grip firm and unmoving, obviously if Alastor so wished to pull his hand away, he would of done so, but- there seemed to be something in the other's gaze, Alastor couldn't quite put his finger on it, he wasn't the best when it came to comprehend emotions of other's that wavered on the negative side,  They were a clear sign of weakness, or at least he would think them to be, Yet there was something about the expression on Angel's face at this moment in time,  That didn't leave a disgusted taste in his mouth, the other's expression was a mix of thing's, the most noteable .... hurt or- frustrated, Alastor found himself unable to read it, and simply settled for following behind.

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