BaxterxAlastor Put a name to our game.

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(orignally planned to do a jealousy fic (cause they are my guilty pleasure) but quickly realised if eaither of them got jealous it would result in a loss of lifes, so took a detour.)holiday's have been pretty busy)

((requested by @Popylopa  i am more then happy to write a fic for this ship, as i myself am slowly being dragged into it XD even if my rp's are like the sahara dessert at the moment, at least i got some good old fanfic's to keep me occupied.))

((song above is whats playing later on in fic))

PLOT: Alastor and Baxter have been acting like a couple for the past few weeks, only they dont accually have a label on it, they have just been going aorund doing their own thing, while still single, Alastor wishes to changed that when person from Baxter's past shows up, this is Alastor setting up a little date))

Alastor sat pouting, It had been but a meer hour since he had last seen that sciestist of his, only- was that sciestist truely his? or was that sciestist but free to fly emoungst the many other unclaimed demons of this realm. 

for you see, Alastor and Baxter didnt accually have a tital to what they were, not a couple, nor lover's, or friends,  not bound in anyway, but they were simply, Alastor and Baxter, Two demon's who occassionally showed affection and allowed their interest toward's each other to be veiwed, though they never sealed the envalope on their galavanting, Alastor liked to belive that they were near the stage that simply asking to be a pair, was around the corner, Alastor never expected himself to be so open to the idea before, the meer thought of willinly bounding your-self to another denying your-self of the freedom that was being single, of simply doing as you pleased without worrying about the consiqueses that you may see without a partner, He couldnt quite understand it, So finding himself so attracted to the idea suddenly, you could understand his surrprise. 

Yet at the same time he understood, understood why he so willing to spring forth, and give a name to Baxter and his relationship. Tho he could write a novel on those feeling's of his, he would simply tie it down to one sentence,

It was because it was Baxter.

That was his reason why, no one else would do. He belived he would have much more time to dwell on these thoughts and to fufill all he belived he needed to do, before he allowed the string of fire to untangle it's self from the knot's between him and his beloved.

But upon the arrival of an aquantaince from Baxter's past, a fiance to be precise, Alastor came to the crashing realisation that if he wished to deeper this connection with the fishy sciestist, he would have to act soon.

No it wasnt jealousy, oh golly no! if it was, that flapper who clung to Baxter so persistantly on arrival  would possibly be ripped to shreads now, sent to the final death, many demon's had accustomed themselves with, instead it was more of this thought's that swirled giving him a sharp push forward into the reality, that he wanted to know more about the latern fish, that more then anything he wanted to feel that oh so distant yet familar feeling of humaity, that small raindrop that some demons could still feel. That raindrop holding, the icey yet also burning sensation that was compainionship. Not that 'will they, wont they' game the two seemed to be playing. Alastor liked to concider himself a classy gentleman, who would never be a home wreaker, though he supposed this time be could amuze the thought, From what he could pick up, their past engagment, was simply arranged, and ended with a pretty bad breakup, with Baxter being pushed over the bow of a sinking ship. But apperantly that floozy didnt get the picture, that when you murder your fiance it count's as a break-up.

In the mist's of his internal rant, The deer demon, failed to notice the sound of shuffling footsteps, and incohordnant mumbling's, that un-mistakenly could only belong to one soul, That of his Forbidden apple to his Eve.

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