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Manager Ever POV

I was outside of their dorm and I knocked and heard a 'wait Lang!' and I immediately knew it was Min because she's the only members who says that foreign words and the door soon opened to reveal a Min with comfy winter clothes

"Oh manger ever come in the others are just finishing up"
Min said and I sighed deeply

"Stop calling me that"
I said annoyed and entered their dorm and walked to the living room while Min shouted

"Guys manager Ever is here and we better go!"
I sighed deeply once again because of that nickname Min have me and the her members did too. Soon I hear footsteps and it revealed the other 6 members in comfy winter clothes also

"Alright guys JYP wants a meeting with you and he said that it is very important. Okay now let's go!"
I said and walked out followed by Ever After

Skip Time to meeting room

I was sitting in the meeting room thinking of how to tell them this and it must be great because they have lot of talent and I believe they will gain popularity when they debut. I heard the door open and saw Min walking in casually and I just sighed

"Min you gotta behave more"
I said while Ever After say down and Min looked at me like she was going to cry which I know is just an act for her own reasons

"But you said you will treat us like a family"
Min said and if she has that face and says something it will make her look and sound like a child which no one can even resist

"I d-did but you n-need to...*sigh*fine"
I said and Min did a little victory dance and I cleared my throat

"Guys I have some thing important to tell you guys"
I said gaining an the attention of all Ever After's attention

"You guys will be......debuting"
I said and look at the girls they were shocked but Min was smiling

"Why are you smiling aren't you shocked?"
I asked Min but she just chuckles and rests her back on the chair saying

"Oh well not really because I heard manager Ever say this"
I just sighed nd what she said and I'll be surprised she can hear what your saying even if you whisper if you are in her reach

"Well girls you will be using the songs I have you when you debut okay for now practice"
I said

"Well about that we have been practicing and singing because we got nothing to do so...we basically memorized every song and dance"
Neom said and I laughed a bit

"Its okay guys by get your stuff ready for tomorrow okay you guys will be debuting tomorrow at (the place where idols debut)"
I said and dismissed them and went back to the office

Skip to the next day
Min POV.

I woke up and look outside it is the time and just do my routine except brushing my teeth because we will be eating and then brush my teeth afterwards. When I went down I saw luggage opened and clothes scattered around and I just sighed and started folding their clothes and putting them in their own luggage because I already finished mine. When I finished I looked at the time it was already 6:00am and I got up and went to the kitchen to make scrambled eggs because it was what we ate when I was still in the Philippines with my parents and was still in school, I was done making scrambled eggs and had putted them in 6 plates

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