Chapter 11: You're Not Alone In This.

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Andy's P.O.V

I wake up with the sun blazing through my curtains.

I frown as I rub my eyes and open them. Why are my curtains open? I closed them last night. Athena must have been in here earlier.

I sit up and see my room is filled with people.

Jack and Maddie, Michael, Brandon and Carson. Where is Adam and Stephen? Wait why am I even thinking that? What are they doing in my room?

"Why is everyone in my room?" I ask as I sit up. It is really weird. "We wanted to say something to you." Michael says folding is arms.

It's probably something about what I supposedly did last night. "Go ahead." I say, getting ready for everyone to yell at me. "We don't appreciate what you did to Adam." Jack says.

"Leading him on like that." Michael adds. "Then hurting him like that." Brandon says. "Yeah, we thought you were different." Carson says.

"I did absolutely nothing wrong." I say to them trying to stay calm. "If you considered what you did - right, then you're messed up." Jack says. I can't believe everyone is turning against me.

"What I did was right!" I yell. Maddie flinched again. "Sorry, Maddie." I say to her. "It's okay." She says softly.

"It's not Maddie you should apologize to." Michael says. "Does anyone want to hear my side of the story?" I ask and Maddie steps forward. Jack pulls her back to his side ,"We know the truth." Jack says.

"There is a huge misunderstanding going on here. If you knew the fucking truth you wouldn't be mad." I say and stand up out of anger. "It sounded like you enjoyed it." Brandon says.

"That's a fucked up thing to say, Brandon." I say angrily. "You're not denying it." Carson adds. "I didn't fucking enjoy it." I say calmly. "It won't help if you lie." Michael suddenly says. "Let's go guys." Jack says.

"Will someone listen to me?" I ask. "Please." I add. Everyone leaving the room one after the other. "Maddie?" I ask her as she is about to leave my room. She shakes her head and mouths 'I am sorry' and exits my room. Jack looks at me and shakes his head as he exits as well.

I can't believe not a single one of them wants to hear what really happened last night. Because I know there is some huge misunderstanding going on here.

It hurts even more that Jack doesn't even want to hear my side of the story. I pick up my phone and see it's just passed 11 o'clock.

I also see a lot of messages from Tyler. I go into our chat:

Why did you leave?

I am sorry!



I don't know what I was thinking.

Please don't leave me!

Some texts he sent this morning as well:

I hope you are home safe.

I was pretty drunk last night I didn't know what I was thinking.

I need to see you!

I need to apologize in person because I can't lose you. I just got you!

His words were sweet in some way but I knew in the back of my mind he had something to do with this whole misunderstanding.

I don't answer him.

I enter Adam and I's chat and see he read my text but he didn't answer me. I need to see him but I can't see him without seeing that asshole Tyler.

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