Chapter 3

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I was woken up by a pillow being thrown in my face as well as a large electrical shock working its way through my system I jolted out of bed falling on the ground HARD.

"Hey! What was that for?" i asked indignantly

only to be met with laughter from not one but two sources i looked in their direction to find Artemis and Thalia rolling on the ground laughing.

"What the Hades you could have killed me!" i screamed at them.

"Oh relax Kelp Head." Was the only thing Thalia managed to say between the the gasps for breath .

i rolled my eyes and looked at Artemis

"Why did you allow her to do such a thing." i growled looking at Artemis

"Perseus i told you to be up at 6 it is currently 10 and you aren't even out of bed yet or dressed for that matter." I thought i noticed a slight blush in her checks but it was gone just as fast. I then looked down at my half clothed form without my shirt i quickly blushed cherry red and threw a shirt on.

"I'm sorry milady." i said bowing quickly

"Perseus stop that." she said

"Stop what?" i replied not understanding her meaning. "

The bowing everyone does it and it feels like you are mocking me!" She shouted back i barely noticed though staring at her eyes and noticing how much they sparkled when she was angry i quickly mentally slapped myself bad Percy she is the most devoted of the maiden goddesses i mean well except Athena she manages to get around the no kids thing with the mind children, though Artemis had her own way she treated the hunters as her daughters. i was so lost in thought i failed to notice the electrified fist until it collided with my stomach.

"What in Uncle's name!" I screamed. Thalia was grinning from ear to ear while Artemis looked at her smiling saying thank you to Thalia

"Perseus now that you are back from that wasteland that must be your thoughts i was just reminding you i will not be as lenient next time." she said to me smirking.

I grumbled before leaving the tent to go and prepare the hunters' brunch. I was also thinking of a bow especially for Artemis.


I left Perseus's tent after deciding that he was probably going to need protection from the hunters. I walked outside and started to quietly think to myself had i blushed in front of Perseus earlier? There is no way i argued internally with myself the girly part of my brain that I was sure i squashed years ago started up. Did you see his chest and abs oh my gods i just want to run my hands all over them and his arms and feel his muscles. I quickly scolded myself i was a maiden goddess I shouldn't be having these thoughts especially over Perseus a mere minor god only two days old. I walked into the dining pavilion trying very hard to hide the blush i had accumulated on my cheeks whilst arguing with myself internally. I was just in time to see Percy clap his hands before an enormous breakfast buffet appeared on the table which the hunters immediately attacked i noticed that one of the youngest members of the hunt had not gotten any food Percy walked up to her before bending at the knees to stoop so he looked her in her stormy gray eyes.


I was staring into the stormy grey eyes of the huntress "Hello whats your name?"

The young girl just looked at me before answering timidly "Alexendria."

she replied in barely more than a whisper I laughed startling her. "What a pretty name!"

I exclaimed causing her to grin at me "So anyways Alexendria what would you like to eat?" i asked her with a smile on my face

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