Demigods Invade Hogwarts!

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My First Fan fiction ever, Hope you like it!

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Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter & Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus.

I only own my OC Melissa.

On with the story….


"Gooood Morning Passengers." Said Leo over the PA system. "This is your totally awesome supreme commander here with the Daily Announcements!" "Get your butts's up and over to the kitchen cause Melissa's making pancakes and yes Percy we have blueberry." "Also we have capture the flag this Friday along with the kids with fancy hats arriving today so Annabeth wants me to tell you that were not allowed outside today so only Will and Thalia are allowed to do Archery because we don't want any accidents. *cough* Percy *cough*." We also have a reminder here for Thalia: Artemis wants your weekly report today by Noon." "That's all for Today, Totally Awesome Supreme Commander Out!" Said Leo as the PA system turned off.

"BLUE PANCAKES!" I yelled as I jumped up out of my bed and ran around the room looking for some clothes.

I settled on a Purple Camp Olympus Shirt along with a pair of Khaki Shorts and ran to the Kitchen.

"Morning" I yelled as I ran past everyone and went straight to the blueberry pancakes stacked on the table. I grabbed the whole plate and sat down next to Annabeth.

"Well you could say thank you!" said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see my sister Melissa standing there with an amused expression.

"Fanks." I said with my mouth full of pancakes.

She rolled her eyes and sat down next to me.

"Sometimes I wonder if you'll die due to the fact that you eat too much." She said casually while helping herself to some Toast.

"Good to know you care so much." I said sarcastically.

"So what do we have today?" I asked.

"Well I'm working on a new Strategy for Capture the Flag with Melissa and Reyna." Said Annabeth.

"You do know that Dumbledore is gunna invite the students to come watch?" asked Annabeth.


"We need a guaranteed strategy if we want to win." She continued.

"I was thinking we could use Jason, Thalia and Will as a distraction and send Mel around in Wolf Form to grab the Flag." Explained Annabeth. "She is the best runner."

Now for those of you who are confused, Melissa is my roman sister. She was born to Neptune and can control water but is better at making storms and creating earthquakes. She is also Lieutenant to the Wolf-Goddess Lupa so she can turn into a wolf and communicate with them. She helps recruit Demigods and is here with us as a vacation. She also has this awesome Wolf Tattoo on her Bicep that is only there if she wants it to be.

Also, Chiron had explained all about the wizards being distant descendants of Hecate and the Headmistress was a good friend of his. He said that they had decided that it was time the two world met and here we were. We'd sailed here via The Argo 2 and waited until the students arrived at the beginning of term. I personally couldn't wait. The only person more excited than me was Lou-Ellen who was practically jumping up and down at the prospect of going to a magical school.

Speaking of which, The other people that had come were: Jason, Thalia, Melissa, Me, Annabeth, Malcolm, Hazel, Nico, Reyna, Leo, Piper, Frank, Clarisse, Travis, Katie, Conner, Grover, Gwen, Bobby, Dakota, Lou-Ellen and Will.

"Sounds good." I said.

"Perfect, I'll go fix up the minor details with Reyna." She said before walking away.

"Were so going to win this." I thought. "My wise girl has never failed us yet!"

Harry's POV

I sat down at the Kitchen Table in Grimmauld Place and ate a bowl of cereal. I had moved in after the Wizarding World War. Kreacher was upstairs cleaning and I was waiting for Hermione and The Weasley's to arrive. After the War, Prof. McGonagall had invited all the students back to finish our seventh year properly and after several Lectures from Hermione and about how it was important if we wanted jobs in the future we decided to go back and finish our Final year at Hogwarts.

"Would Master like more food?" croaked Kreacher.

"Yea, Thanks Kreacher." I said as he refilled my bowl.

I was about to take a bite when I heard 9 Cracks and a familiar voice.

"Oi, where's Harry?"

"Here!" I yelled as I walked into the living room.

"HARRY!" shrieked Hermione, tackling me in a hug.

"Hey mate, Ready to go?" asked Ron as I was greeted by the rest of the Weasley's.

"Yeah just let me grab a coat." I said.

I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a jacket and returned to the living room where Bill had lit a fire and was handing out Floo Powder.

"Here you are Harry." said Bill as he handed me some powder.

"DIAGON ALLEY" I yelled as I stepped into the fireplace, feeling the familiar tug in my stomach.

I landed on my feet this time, thankfully and waited while everyone else appeared around me.

"I've got to go." Muttered George. "Shop won't run itself." He said. He'd become more and more distant after the death of his twin brother Fred.

"I'll take Ginny and Bill." Said .

"Why don't you four go with Charlie and get the rest of your stuff?"

"Alright, munchkins, Let's Go." Said Charlie.

"Munchkins?" I asked.

"Technically I'm taller than you." Said Ron.

"Whatever, let's Go."

"Where to first?" I asked.

"Hmm, It says here that we need a new book: Greek and Roman Mythology" said Hermione.

"What the bloody hell do we need that for?" exclaimed Ron.

"Language Ronald." Snapped Hermione.

I couldn't help but grin. Even dating these two argued like a married couple.

"Oh yea, a couple friends of mine are gunna be teaching you that." Said Charlie.

"Your friends?" I asked.

"Yea, there not quite normal, but there-well—erm I don't think I should say so yet, I suspect McGonagall's will explain." Said Charlie.

"uh Oh-kay?"

"Let's just get your stuff and get out of here." Charlie Said.

We spent the rest of the day buying new robes, including dress robes (Ron was happy his didn't have any lace on them) getting our new school books, and restocking on our school supplies.

After a Long day we finally managed to get everything we needed and packed our trunks for Tomorrow, The day we went back to Hogwarts!

DONE! My first chapter is officially done.

1108 words! Next Chapter will be up in a couple of days!


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