Skyrim - Farkas (part 1)

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I trudged on down the path that led me away from Riverwood. I had information on the dragon attack at Helgen and I needed to inform the jarl. I had not slept since Helgen and I was exhausted, but I couldn't stop. I had to get to Whiterun as soon as possible.
I continued walking and turned left at the bridge. I heard a commotion as I came up to a nearby farm. A giant. I pulled the bow off my back and quickly notched an arrow. I aimed for the head and let the arrow fly, but he turned at the last minute and the arrow struck him in the back. He roared in pain and turned to face me. I let loose another arrow and it struck him in the chest. He staggered a bit but continued to advance towards me. I slipped the bow back on in place on my back and unsheathed my sword, steady and ready for a fight.
He charged at me and raised his club, I got ready to move and as he brought it down, I rolled out of the way. The move confused him (just as I hoped) and I used that small window to my advantage. I slashed the back of his ankle which caused him to fall to his knees. He was hunched over and probably couldn't get up. I jumped onto his back and climbed to stand in between his shoulder blades. I raised my sword and plunged it into the back of his neck. He let out loud bellow and fell forward.
I slid off his shoulder and landed on the ground with a soft thud. Three people walked towards me, two women and a man. The first woman spoke.

"You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent shield-sister." She said.
She was wearing armour that I had never seen before. It didn't look very effective. She had green war paint on her face and piercing amber eyes.

"Shield sister?" I asked, confused.

"An outsider, eh? Never heard of the companions? An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough."

"Sounds like just thing I was looking for. Could I join you?

"Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr. The old man's got a good sense for people. He can look into your eyes and tell your worth. If you go to him, good luck."

"Thank you. I will."

I turned to leave. The big, burly man that was with them gave me a small smile, while the second woman never gave me a second glance. I smiled back at the man and turned to make my way to Whiterun. I hurried along the path while the others lagged behind.

"What's the matter Farkas?" I heard the first woman say.

"What? Oh, nothing..." He spoke with a deep, rough voice.

So that's his name. Farkas. I remembered the importance of my task and made haste to Whiterun. I reached the gates and stepped up to enter when the guards stopped me.

"Halt! City's closed with the dragon about. Official business only."

"That's why I'm here. I have news from Helgen about the dragon attack."

"Fine, but we'll be keeping an eye on you."

They opened the gates and let me through. I immediately made my way up to Dragonsreach. After climbing a considerable amount of steps, I finally made it.
I spoke to the Jarl, who then sent me to his court wizard, Farengar Secret-Fire. Farengar directed me to Bleak Falls Barrow to fetch something called a "Dragonstone". An ancient stone tablet that may or may not even be there. I should leave right away. It is of great importance that I get that tablet as soon as possible.

Jorrvaskr will have to wait.

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