✧CH. 4✧

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Akko's POV (Point of View)

"When do you think that girl will wake?" - Kaminari

"I dont know, how bout you Deku?" -Tenya

"Hahh, I'm not sure, but if you keep being loud, you might wake her up." - Izuku

"Please be quiet you three."- Lotte

"mmm..mushrooms..." - Sucy

I open my eyes, glaring at the bottom of Lotte's bunk and looked over, seeing Izukkun and his friends.

"Guys you woke her up!" Izukkun whined as he sat beside me, making the small bed dip in a bit.  "Mm, what time is it?" My bed voice croaked as I rubbed my eye.

"11:37 am" Lotte answered. Fear struck me quick. "We should be in class!!" I jump up combing my fingers through my hair, throwing my shoes on and running towards the door in a quick second.

"Um Akko, we have the day off to finish showing the other students around" Lotte finished as she readjusted her glasses.

I stare at her wide eyed and sweatdropped. Everyone was looking at me and I say "ooh, um I knew that..heheh."

I then slowly walked back over to my spot beside Izukkun and yawned.

He giggled cutely and asked "do you want to go eat breakfast?" I nodded and walked over to my dresser, and grabbed some casual clothes and headed to our bathroom.

After I changed, I brushed my hair with a real brush and restyled it to my regular look.

I walked out and put on my shoes and said "lets go, curly" he nodded and headed after me.

On our way to the cafeteria, I saw Diana and a half white, half red haired male walk in silence.

I looked at Izukkun and put my index finger to my lips and pointed to them. Then one of them spoke.

"Diana.." the blondish-greenish woman looks to the left at him. "Yes Shouto?"

"Your talent is great, I would like to experience it up close next time."

She nods and said, "I'll let you see it better later." Her eyes sparkled in a way I've never seen before.

Diana looks back to the front, while Izukkun and I fall back more, to make sure we won't be seen.

When we finally make it to the cafeteria and see all of my friends, chatting with the people from the other academy.

Amanda was sitting down beside her friends, when the ash blonde, Bakugou walked up behind her and stuck his hands onto her shoulders. Her friends looked at them strangely and Amanda murmured something.

I headed to the lunch line and waited for my food, like Izukkun.

He stood closely to me as he looked paranoid. I ask "um, what's wrong Izukkun?"

He looks around again, and then snapped his head towards me and then said lowly beside my ear, "I feel like someone's watching us."

I then look around and noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. "Psst..Izukkun, I think its that weird thing over there.."

He slowly follows my finger and his breath hitched. "Uh..stay quiet, it could be anyone or anything"

We grab our food and I headed towards my table, which my friends weren't there yet.

He sat down in front of me and sighed, poking some of his breakfast, then sticking it in his mouth.

I do the same, tasting the sweet syruped pancakes.

"Ahh, that so good~" I say as I eat more.

"Akchan, What will you show me next?" Izukkun asks as he sips some of the milk, making eye contact with me.

I think hard and an idea popped into my head. "Ooh, I can show you my mentor! She's very awesome! Her names Ursula"

He smiles. I finish my food and dump my tray, he does the same and we walk out.
Progress! If you got a ping it's because I'm cleaning this mess up a bit! Thank you for stopping by!

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