Chapter One

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I arrived at South Korea about an hour ago. I had won five tickets and brought four friends with me. Everything at the trip was paid for already and my friends and I were checking in at the hotel that was provided for us. There was some performance going on but we had to ignore it until we finished checking in.

When we finished we all walked over and saw a K-Pop band performing with a crowd gathered around and people were taking pictures off their phone. I tilted my head in curiosity as I saw one of them staring at me. My friend Livianna was cheering for the band. 

I looked at her in curiosity. "You know this band?"

"Of course I do. It's big bang Lilith." Livianna responded.

"Oh." I replied and looked back to see the guy was face to face with me, making me blush.

He smirked then backed up a bit, taking one of my hands and kissed it, making me blush more.

"Ooo!~ You go Lilith!~" my other friend Amy who had red hair commented.

He smirked more and skipped coolly back to the other four members of the band, ending the song. They broke and walked away from each other to greet fans except for the one who kissed my hand,  he walked right up to me.

"Hi, I'm G-Dragon." He greeted.

I looked at my friends and they motioned me to talk so I looked at him. "I'm Lilith. "

"It's nice to meet you.  How did you like our performance? "

"I thought it was great.  You all are very talented. "

"Thanks.  You staying at this hotel? "

"Y-Yeah. I won five tickets from America to here for a while so this is where I'll be staying for a few months. "

"That's great! I'll be staying here too with the rest of the band because we are on vacation. "

"Oh that's cool.  I'll see you around then. "

"Alright,  you too. "

"Bye." I said shyly as we went our own ways.

The girls squealed as they hugged me.

"That was the leader of the band! He has an interest in you!" Livianna exclaimed as she jumped, making her dirty blonde curly hair bounce.

I blushed and twiddled with my dyed black hair with bright green bangs. "You think so?"

"Girl, he kissed your hand and came up to talk to just you. What do you think?" my friend Megan explained.

My other friend Camilla was awkwardly standing there with a smile. Camilla had short dyed purple hair, blue eyes, a black hoodie, blue skinny jeans and vans.

Megan's hair was brown with blonde tips, baby blue eyes, an old t shirt tied up with a hair tie, blue jeans, and black flats.

Amy had ginger red hair, hazel eyes, a black zoo york shirt, gray jeans, and black reebok shoes.

I wore a teal tank top with a black design on it, black shorts and black ankle cut converse, while my eyes were a topaz color.

"What should I do?" I asked.

Camilla shrugged and suggested,  "We should go to the pool after we bring our stuff to our suites?"

"Alright here," I responded handing everyone their room keys. "Don't get lost and I'll meet you guys here in the lobby."

"Okay." the four replied.

We all headed to our rooms, me figuring out that my suite is right across from G Dragon's room by heading there to see him.

"Hey, I see you're right across from me." He pointed out.

"Yeah. pretty convenient. " I smiled.

"Alright. If you need anything just knock." He smiled back.

I nodded and went into my suite, gaping at the size then found the bed, plopping down on it. 'This should be interesting' I thought.

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