Pàrt 15

81 36 40

All : *Gasps*


Mwiche  : rose ...I'm really sorry it was an acci.........

Rose : JUST SHUT UP !!!!

Mwiche and Trent get out of the water

Trent : rose listen you got it all wrong it was an accident...

Rose : oh wow ...you expect me to believe you ....

Mwiche : yes because that's what ha......

Rose : I thought I told you to shut up !!!....

Chris : guys come on let's not do this here.... people are staring

Rose : I don't care.....

Trent : rose you've got to believe what we are telling you...

Rose : no trent ....I have had  enough of her , she's been planning to do this from the start ...and I'm pretty sure she faked the whole " scared of the water thing" so she could get your attention...

Mwiche : Excuse me....

Rose : yes you heard right ....I know you've been trying to steal my boyfriend away from me ....and now that you had the opportunity... you went for it ...ahhhh!! I'm so mad right now I feel like (raises her hand aiming for mwiche but Alex stops her)

Alex : how dare you raise your hand at her....you have no right in this whole wide world to do that....

Rose : oh wow ....she has you under her spell too...I see...

Trent : rose will you stop all this nonsense now !!!

Rose  : you call this nonsense.... Really trent..

Paris : rose please calm down.....

Rose : I won't calm down she has to tell me why she kissed my boyfriend...she was obviously waiting for us to leave ....

Mwiche : That's it rose ....I have had enough of your crazy talks.....I know you don't trust me .... Wait! what am I saying you don't like me ....you've never  liked me , but that does not give you the right to say all that trash about me ....you don't know me .....and trust me you do not know what I'm capable of doing ...if I wanted to steal him away from you I would have done it a long time ago....

Rose : you......

Mwiche : shut it ! I'm not done yet.....there are two things that I don't like the first thing is that , i don't like it when someone accuses me of such cheap things...and I hate it when someone  messes with me... okay....I have tried my level best to befriend you but ...I have failed ....and if you ask me I think you're a bad friend ..I don't know how Paris manages to deal with you ...

Rose : how dare you call me a bad friend ...you're the one going around kissing your friend's boyfriend.....

Mwiche : I'm sorry ...did you just say friend....which one of my friend's boyfriend have I kissed

Rose : me !

Mwiche  : oh ....honey you got it all wrong ...we aren't friends... so that doesn't count....

Trent  : guys please stop all this....

Rose  : it's good you've made it official because i just hate being around you..

Paris  : guys please stop arguing....you guys are friends ...don't throw that away...

Mwiche  : Paris!! you too know that she has always hated me and she's been Waiting for the perfect day to actually say it to my face...

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