Chapter 2

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I looked over and Blake was still sleeping so I figured I'd let him considering this is the last night we're getting in awhile. I quietly got out of bed and moved the bags that had been left in the corner of my room to the front door. I went to the kitchen and looked around to see if there was anything else we might need and ended up grabbing a small pan, a pot, and a few cooking materials. I went to the freezer and grabbed the waters also placing them by the door. I looked into the living room and Nova and Landon were both sound asleep. I grabbed the eggs and bacon from the fridge and turned on the stove. I made a quick breakfast for all of us, we needed to use the perishables first. When I went to wake everyone up. That's when I heard it, the blood curdling scream come from outside, I raced to the window and saw it, a woman slowly dying, she was bleeding and there was a zombie not far behind her. I froze and felt my blood run cold before stepping back from the window terrified. I thought I would be prepared for this but clearly I had been mistaken. There's nothing that can really prepare you for flesh eating monsters. I ran to the kitchen and threw what I had made into a container and tossed it to the door praying to god that it didn't open and spill. I raced to the living room and shook Nova and Landon awake.

"Five more minutes." Nova mumbled before turning over into Landons chest.

"We need to go now, they're outside" I said loudly enough to wake them both up. "Throw the blanket on the pile and get your shoes on we're leaving in five then we're heading to your places to get your things and more food." They both looked at me and rubbed the sleep out of their eyes before noticing the urgency and panic in my voice, even though I tried to hide it it was evident that it was there. I went to wake Blake up and when I came back they had both put their shoes on and grabbed what they could. Nova grabbed a backpack and a drawstring and the water case since they were all heavy. Landon grabbed a duffle bag and shoved the container of food I had made into it while I grabbed the other backpack and another drawstring, that left a duffle bag and drawstring for Blake, I walked over to the end table where I had put my gun and grabbed it shoving the one extra case of ammo that I had in the side pocket of my backpack. I grabbed my key of the hook and two minutes later we were ready to go.

"Ready?" Landon asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Nova responded her voice shaking slightly.

"Wait," I began just before Landon opened the door, "I have the gun I should go first, Lan, in my drawstring there should be my knife set each of you grab one, just in case." I finished.
"Your trucks the black one right?" Blake asked just to make sure, I nodded and with that we stepped out the door into our uncertain future.
Sorry for the short chapter I promise most are longer than this

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