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C H A P T E R        F I V E

09:00am — Harry

 Harry can't concentrate. Harry can't think. He still holds the phone in his hands and waits for Valerie to call him once again. He doesn't know why he wants her to call him. Maybe he wants to hear her melodic and calming voice again or maybe he wants to hear her say one more time that she loves him.

 For what felt like the thousandth time Harry turns around in his huge, black swivel chair and sees the black smoke coming out of the North tower, satiating the sky that used to be a clear blue.

 Determined, he gets up and exits his office. Harry needs to see his daughter and check on her. It is impossible that Amy hasn't seen or heard anything of the terrible accident. The tremendous sound of the crash was loud enough for everyone to hear it.

 But when Harry opens the door he sees no one. Susan is not sitting on her comfortable white chair. She doesn't print lists and check Harry's dates for the day, she doesn't talk to new clients on the telephone and tries to get rid of them.

 And Amy is gone as well. There is no girly giggle audible or a high-pitched voice talking about her birthday and all her new toys. There are no blonde curls to be seen or a flowery dress.

 "Amy? Amy, sweetheart?" Harry asks but there is no response.

 Suddenly everything starts to shake and slithers from one side to the other. Lamps are jittering and some even detach themselves from the ceiling. A defeaning sound rings out and Harry has to cover his ears. He falls to the floor because he was to slow to hold himself up.

 He doesn't know what is going on, he doesn't know what just happened and really, he doesn't wanna waste a thought on it. An earthquake? In downtown Manhattan? Accidentally after a plane crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center?

 Harry shakes his head and rather wants to focus on where his daughter is, if she is okay. It is still loud but Harry isn't sure if the sound is coming from a few floors below him or if it is just the ringing in his ears.

 It is his phone! His phone is ringing. As quick as he can Harry stands up and stumbles back into his office. Valerie is calling. Valerie, his beautiful wife is calling. What is he supposed to tell her? What is he supposed to...

 "Harry? Oh my God, you picked up. Oh my... Harry, are you alive? Is Amy?"

 Harry is close to tears. He doesn't know what the hell is going on right now, "What is going on, Valerie? What is happening here? Was it an—"

 "Oh Harry...Harry...the South tower, too. Have you left the tower? Please tell me you've left!"

 "Valerie, what is going on?" Harry slowly starts to figure out himself what happened but he needs to hear it. He needs to be sure.

 "A plane flew into the South tower as well. It's not an accident, Harry. It's never been one. Leave the tower, please, Harry. Do me this favour now. Take Amy with you and leave. Come home," Valerie begs him again, just like she did fifteen minutes ago, "I can't lose you two."

 "Valerie, I don't—"

 Harry hears Valerie crying on the other line and he also hears the agitated voice of the news anchor in the background who is talking about the breaking news. "Please, come home. Take Amy and leave."

 "Listen, I—"

 "Now go, Harry! Why are you still there! Leave this damn tower!"

 "Valerie!" Harry interrupts her loudly, "I don't know where Amy is. I've lost her."

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