Chapter 4: Dumb ass clowns

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Austin's POV

There was only one month left until the O2 gig. I finished my songs and was just getting started on my setlist when Larry walked in. "Austin get your stuff we're going to London tomorrow morning." As commanded I grabbed all my stuff and cramped everything in the little suitcase. I've never been this excited and nervous the same time. I know London is huge and all, but I still hope I run into her.

We arrived at the airport at 4 A.M. so Larry basically lied to me. This wasn't morning and it was pure torture. The flight would take me around 11 hours from LAX to Heathrow. 

As soon as I took my seat on the plain I fell asleep and before I knew it we arrived in London.

Half an hour after we landed I found myself in a big, black Range Rover with tinted windows. I was in the back with Larry as we drove to the hotel. I took out my phone, because Larry bored me to death with his non-stop, political correct speech about what I can and can't do while we're staying here. Fúck yes, I thought to myself as I finally passed that candy crush level I had been stuck at for 5 whole days. 

After about half an hour we arrived at the hotel, now 5:15 PM. I was hungry as fúck. I grabbed a black hoodie and some sunglasses out of my suitcase and headed out. I heard Larry say something when I walked out the door, but I didn't bother to listen. It wasn't like he had something interesting to say.

It was getting darker with the second and my stomach began more to produce a more aggressive sound. I wandered around until something caught my eye. It was this tiny Italian restaurant and I love Italian food, just my luck. 

I looked through the window and froze. There she was... I knew this was a bad idea and yet I never felt better in the last years. Her face, no make-up but stunning as ever. Anne.

I think I stood outside the restaurant for a good 20 minutes until I pulled myself together and walked inside. The last bit of happiness in by body drained away when I saw her walking towards me. 

Not paying any attention to where she was going and her eyes glued to her phone. "I'm sorry" was all she said to me. Well she didn't even say it so me but whatever. It counts as something.

I walked further in the restaurant and sat down, taking a look at the menu. I took off my black hoodie to reveal a checkered vest and a silk blouse. I couldn't focus anymore. 

The waiter asked me what I wanted to eat. "Lasagne and a beer please" I told him. He told me it would be a minute so I waited patiently while I drank my beer.

I wanted to get her attention. I needed to get her attention. So I decided to post something on Instagram, hoping she would see it somehow.


Flew over a whole ocean but still got myself some bud

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Flew over a whole ocean but still got myself some bud. Big SO to @andreaspizzas

Liked by justinbieber, adamdegross, mtv and 1.613.058 others | 23.483 comments

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justinbieber: damn boi

adamdegross: nice pic, I would've taken a better one tho

I scrolled further through my Instagram while eating the food that just arrived. I came across that girl Maddie's account again. I could follow her and see where that takes me...I heard the voice inside my head. I quickly pressed the follow button and felt an immediate sense of regret, but I knew I couldn't unfollow her. That would be even more weird.

I saw the picture with Anne she posted nearly an hour ago. Me being curious, I scrolled though the comments to find a discussion between Maddie, Anne and their friends I assume. 

They were talking about some club opening on Saturday. I know I was acting like some crazy ass stalker but I had to go there. I decided to text Larry to see if he finally could be of use.

Austin Post

Yo Larry, you know anything about a new club thats opening on Saturday?

Larry dumbass

Not yet, but I'll get back to you in the morning. Please head back to the hotel now Austin.

I don't like to be told what to do, but I needed Larry to find out everything there is to know about that club, so I decided to listen. I paid for my food and beer and walked out the door. 

Only to spot some familiar tall, blonde dude with his arm slung around some blonde bimbo. They were walking the same direction as my hotel and I casually stayed behind them, trying to hear what they were saying to each other.

I felt my hands forming in fists when I saw them walk in the hotel together. How can he possibly cheat on Anne? I know I shouldn't make any assumptions, but I had a gut feeling something was off.

After they got in the elevator I walked up to the reception. After a little bit of innocent flirting with the girl behind the desk she told me the name of one of the two dumb ass clowns I saw walking. "Damien Porter or something like that" she said to me while smirking. I thanked her and continued the way to my suite.

When I got in Larry sat there waiting for me. "Austin, Club Sky. Saturday at 11 P.M." he said in a serious tone and looked me straight in the eyes. "I don't know what you're planning, but no funny business. If you fuck up this chance I'll fúcking kill you." I swallowed hard, feeling a little bit intimidated. "Okay Aus, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow" and with that he left.


Thank you for reading omg! I hope you like the story so far. I'll try to update every week (if school isn't to much)!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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