Chapter 6

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Yoongi looked over at me shocked and now scared for my safety "oh so you want some of this?" my father asked "you can hurt me all you want j-just leave Yoongi out of this" i say through the tears. soon a smirk made it's way upon my father face and he looked between us 

"Y/n don't do this, you can't take anymore beatings" Yoongi shouts "i'd take every single one if it meant he wouldn't lay a finger on you" i forced a smile as i said that, he has no idea how much i love him.

i didn't know what to do at this point, all i know is i'd do anything to keep my father away from Yoongi

"you're fights with me old man, don't go getting others involved" i glared at my father as the words escaped my mouth. "what did you just call me?"

"old. man"

before i knew it my head was being bashed into a wall "i'd watch my mouth if you don't want me to hurt your husband" he said with a smirk, God i hate that smirk, i just wanna knock it right off his face.

he got up and walked away and out the door, i let out the breathe i didn't realize i was holding.

i turn to Yoongi "are you okay?" i asked "yeah thanks to you, you shouldn't be doing that Y/n, your body's not as good as it once was"

"what are you talking about. my body was destroyed the day i jumped out that window" after i said that i realized my mistake, i haven't told him any of that yet. all he knows about is my dad and what happened to me in foster care

our conversation was interrupted when my father came back but this time he had a bat dragging on the floor behind him. as he was walking towards me i got scared and tried to yank on the cuffs around my wrists hoping to God they would break 

but it didn't work and i ended up getting beat with the bat in my fathers hand. i felt so weak and helpless.

once he leave i use the remains of my energy to pull as hard as i could on the cuffs around my wrists still having hope they would break, but once again they didn't. just then i realized Yoongi was calling my name and it snapped me out of the trance i was in "Y/n, are you okay?"

"i'm fine"

"you're all bruised and beaten" he says as a tear falls from his beautiful brown eyes "please don't cry, i'll be okay" i say to him putting on a fake smile

~2 weeks later~

we are still in this dump. I've been beaten as much as i can take at this point, and I've had to watch Yoongi get beaten too

just then i hear a ringtone. it sounds like my phone, and it sounds like its in this room, i look at Yoongi and it seems like he hears it too. i look around the room trying to find it.

once i spot it i realize it's out of my reach. you'd think i'd stop there, but no i stretch my leg as far as i possibly can till i'm able to tip the table my way and the  phone falls along with the table but the phone slides in front of me on the concrete floor.

i use my foot to answer the call without looking at the caller ID 

"hello? Y/n?" it's Tae, tears threaten to fall as i hear his voice. i try to talk fast cause my fathers going to come in any minute to find out what that crash was "yes it's me. i don't have much time but my father kidnapped me and Yoongi and he's holding us prisoners. i don't know how much time we have left till he's done with us but please save u-" i was cut off when my dad walked in the door

"what are you doing?"

"nothing" i reply. just then he started walking up to me, i inch myself away as much as possible. he picks up the phone and reads the caller ID "well there's no need for a rescue party. cause by time  you get here there wont me anything left to rescue" he says but right before he hangs up i hear Tae

"you better not lay another finge-" and the call ends. my dad throws my phone across the room and it break when it hits the wall.

he looks at me then at Yoongi "i guess i have to teach you a lesson" he says with a smirk. i don't know what he's planning but whatever it is it cant be good

he looks at me "and i know the perfect punishment" he walks closes and i try to move away but i soon realize i'm still cuffed "how about we have a bit of fun just like the good old days?" he asks looking at me with the lust clear in his eyes. i knew what he was talking about so i tried as hard as ever to break the cuffs that I've been tugging on for the past 2 weeks. but it didn't work. which didn't surprise me

i started kicking at him as i was pulling the cuffs, they gotta give out some time. right?

"get away from her you b*st*rd" i heard Yoongi yell, i looked at him for a split moment and he was crying. he also had that look in his eye like he was about to kill someone. but before i knew it he was on top of me 


i lay there curled up into a ball hoping he wont come back again. i stared at the floor, i wasn't even crying but Yoongi was, he had to watch and her the whole father told him every time he looked away he'd add another cut on my body

just then i shot my head up at the sound of a gun shot. the door opened and Jin stood there. i was so happy to see him. he ran up to me and took a key out from him pocket and unlocked my cuffs before looking away quickly "now untie Yoongi. and be quick"

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