Gerald's Rooftop Shenanigans

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It was mid afternoon. The sun radiated beams of pleasantly warm aurora, the birds sang  melodiously in the surrounding, beautifully autumn tinted, oak trees, and a gentle, comforting breeze swept across the wide outstretch of the Birling's vast property.
The perfect time, you may think, for a spot of soul-enlightening yoga upon the roof of your 3 million quid casa amirite?
Well, Gerald pointy-as-frickin-frackin-snickin-snackin-facearse Croft had that feckin brilliant idea coz he's the sorta lad that'd do that sorta daredevilin shet whilst he's u no a biT sqUiFfY on a fekin roof top int 'e my fellow dudes and dudettes
(equal opportunities mate gotta have 'em nowadays or else 18 yr old college girls wearin jeans and bright as frick tshirts with quotes on 'em have fekin dyslexia attacks and fekin lose their fekin shet ov'r the fekin subject and a fekin polar bum falls over coz a cows FECKIN ANUS EXPLODES WITH MEATY THANE AND THE GREEN PARTY GOES FEKIN DOOLALLY AND LOSE THEIR FEKIN ANAI IN A RUBBISHY FEKIN SHETTY BROWN ARSED FEKIN RIVER NEXT TO SUM POOR DED FEKIN FISHEZ THAT DIEDED CUZ THEY GOT THEIR ANAI STUCKEDEDED IN FECKING CRISP PACKETY WHACKETIES AS THEY TRIED TO SWIMMY SWAMMY UP THE BROWNY GREENY POOEY PEEYEE RIVER AVON3.141592653589793PI!M...!!!.,,.{??¿¡)

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